English Collection



2022年12月21日 | 英単語
Yuval Noah Harariの "21 Lessons for the 21st Century" を読んでいます。
Lesson 8 (Religion)から引用します。

Not that there aren't any economic ideas in the Bible, the Quran or the Vedas - it is just that these ideas are not up to date. Mahatma Gandhi's reading of the Vedas caused him to envision independent India as a collection of self-sufficient agrarian communities, each spinning its own khadi cloths, exporting little and importing even less. The most famous photograph of him shows spinning cotton with his own hands, and he made the humble spinning wheel the symbol of the Indian nationalist movement. Yet this Arcadian vision was simply incompatible with the realities of modern economics, and hence not much has remained of it save for Gandhi's radiant image on billions of rupee notes.

"Arcadian" と言う言葉は聞いた/見た覚えがありますが、意味が思い出せません。 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: of or connected with Arcadia or an idea of perfect country life: Origin: late 16th cent.: from Latin Arcadius, from Greek Arkadia. Arcadia is literally a mountainous district in the Peloponnese of southern Greece. It represents a pastoral paradise in poetic fantasy and is the home of Pan in Greek mythology.
・Collins Dictionary: rustic or bucolic: a life of Arcadian simplicity
・Cambridge English Dictionary: showing or relating to an image or idea of perfect countryside life: His friends flocked to his country house, drawn by the Arcadian atmosphere there.

"Arcadian" はSDGsを連想させますね。

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