English Collection



2024年08月28日 | 英単語
Osam Dazaiの小説 "No Longer Human" を読んでいます。

We started a guessing game involving comic nouns and tragic nouns. It was a game I invented.
"I've got it! Clouds."
"Right, right. Wind scatters blossoms. The antonym of flower is wind."
"Not great. Sounds like a line from a popular ditty. You're betraying your roots."

"ditty" で、大学を卒業して入った会社の仕事で覚えた最初の新しい英単語 "ditto" を思い出しました。"ditty" を辞書で調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a short simple song: It reminds me of a little music-hall ditty my grandad used to sing.
・Collins Dictionary: A ditty is a short or light-hearted song or poem.: His drinking was the subject of a music hall ditty during the war.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a short simple song: Folk-song had died out in country villages and the music hall 'ditty' was to be found in its place.

"No Longer Human" を読み終えましたが、Donald Keen氏が訳した人間失格も読んで見たいと思いました。

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