Reader's Digest 12/1月合併号の記事 'New Rukes of Laundry' からの引用です。
New Rule #6: Try to line dry, at least sometimes.
You might have time to hang up every load of your wash. But you may want to consider line-drying some of your things as a goal to shoot for. It'll save energy and your clothes, plus they'll smell like sunshine.
"line-drying" の意味は文脈から容易に分かりますが、"line-drying/line-dry" を辞書で探しましたが、Wiktionaryにだけ "line-dry" の項目があり、次の説明がありました。
line-dry: To dry on a clothesline.
日本語では洗濯竿はよく使われますが、洗濯綱/洗濯紐は聞いたことがありませんね。西洋では竹がない(?)ので "clothesline" が使われるのですね。
New Rule #6: Try to line dry, at least sometimes.
You might have time to hang up every load of your wash. But you may want to consider line-drying some of your things as a goal to shoot for. It'll save energy and your clothes, plus they'll smell like sunshine.
"line-drying" の意味は文脈から容易に分かりますが、"line-drying/line-dry" を辞書で探しましたが、Wiktionaryにだけ "line-dry" の項目があり、次の説明がありました。
line-dry: To dry on a clothesline.
日本語では洗濯竿はよく使われますが、洗濯綱/洗濯紐は聞いたことがありませんね。西洋では竹がない(?)ので "clothesline" が使われるのですね。