小笠原船の旅から帰って来ました。クジラの潮吹きも見たし、アオウミガメは保護されている亀ですが沢山いました。船にはジムもプールもあったのですが、船が揺れるのでやる気になりませんでした。おまけに豪華な食事の連続で若干体重が増えました。今日からジムで走るぞ。さて、Yuval Noah Harariの "Nexus" を読んでいます。Part 1, Chapter 4 Errors: The Fantasy of Infallibilityの章から引用します。
In our personal lives, religion can fulfill many different functions, like providing solace or explaining the mysteries of life. But historically, the most important function of religion has been to provide superhuman legitimacy for the social order. Religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism propose that their ideas and rules were established by an infallible superhuman authority, and are therfore free from all possibility of error, and should never be questioned or changed by fallible humans.
宗教についてこの様に説明していますが、これは宗教が "intersubjective" であり、"objective" では無いことも意味しています。
In our personal lives, religion can fulfill many different functions, like providing solace or explaining the mysteries of life. But historically, the most important function of religion has been to provide superhuman legitimacy for the social order. Religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism propose that their ideas and rules were established by an infallible superhuman authority, and are therfore free from all possibility of error, and should never be questioned or changed by fallible humans.
宗教についてこの様に説明していますが、これは宗教が "intersubjective" であり、"objective" では無いことも意味しています。