English Collection


give short shrift

2015年03月25日 | 英語の本を読む

The Art of ChoosingのLord of the Thingsの章から引用します。
Looking at 25-year averages, stocks reliably outperform bonds and especially money markets, which may not even keep up with inflation. Yet in our study, even the employees in their late teens and early twenties, who could afford more risk, gave short shrift to stocks as the number of funds in their plans increased.
"shrift" の「懺悔」の意味は思い浮かぶのですが、"short shrift" で「懺悔」からは中々連想し難い意味があることを5年前に(2/1/2010)ブログで取り上げているのに、再度辞書を見るまでは思い出せませんでした。従って "short shrift" の復習です。
・Idioms Dictionary: to give very little attention to someone or something, either because you are not interested in them or because you are annoyed with them (usually passive) A planning application for a new nightclub in the town centre was given short shrift by the council. Sue gave Robert short shrift when he turned up drunk for her party.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: a brief period of consideration of a person's ideas or explanations. They gave the reporter short shrift and got him out of the office. My plan got short shrift from the board―a ten-minute presentation; they then voted it down.
・Vocabulary.com: Shrift is an old-fashioned way to talk about the traditional religious ritual of confession and absolution. Shrift comes from the equally antique word shrive, which is what a priest does when he hears a confession. The phrase "short shrift" began as a description of the brief chance a condemned prisoner had to confess his sins before being put to death, and evolved to mean "to dismiss with little consideration."

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