The Japan Times Sept 6, 2017 FILM / REVIEWSコラムの記事 "‘The Third Murder’: Director Hirokazu Koreeda triumphs with a trial drama that keeps the focus on character" の冒頭文を引用します。
Murder mysteries are popular film and television fodder in Japan, but most revolve around puzzle plots that hold as much real-world probability as the cases of Sherlock Holmes.
"fodder" は飼葉の意味しか知りませんが、この "television fodder" は比喩もしくは、飼葉から派生した新しい用法の様です。辞書を見ます。
・Webster’s New World College Dictionary: something, esp. information, that is thought of as being in large supply and, often, inferior, raw or coarse, etc.: promotional fodder in mass media
・Cambridge English Dictionary: people or things that are useful for the stated purpose: Politicians are always good fodder for comedians (= they make jokes about them).
・Wiktionary: (figuratively) Stuff; material; something that serves as inspiration or encouragement, especially for satire or humour.
なるほど、政治家もよくマスコミの対象になりますが、それは "fodder" なのですね。
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