English Collection



2024年02月05日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 12月・1月合併号の記事 "10 Nutrition Myths" からの引用です。


So far, the science does not indicate a link between soy and breast cancer risk in humans. Instead, consuming soy-based foods and drinks--including tofu, tempeh, edamame, miso and soy milk--may even have a protective effect toward breast cancer risk and survival.

"tempeh" も大豆を材料にした食品の様ですが、聞いたこともありません。辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: an Indonesian dish made from fermented soya beans: To make this dish vegetarian, substitute tempeh for meat.
・Collins Dictionary: a cheeselike, high-protein food, originally of Indonesia, made of cooked soybeans fermented with a rhizopus fungus and used as a meat substitute, in salads, etc.
・Wiktionary: An Indonesian food made from partially-cooked soybeans fermented by a fungus (either Rhizopus oligosporus or Rhizopus oryzae). (この辞書には写真も載っています: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tempeh)
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