English Collection


a brand of brash agressiveness

2020年08月11日 | 英単語
角田光代の "The Eighth Day" (原題 八日目の蝉)を読んでいます。
Kiwako was attracted to Takehiro's all-out determination to get ahead. At the time, it was unusual for employees at branches of K Corporation to be transfered to Tokyo. To Kiwako, who had made only the safest choices in every aspect of her life, his brand of brash aggressiveness seemed dynamic. To Takehiko, recently arrived in Tokyo, everything seemed fresh and new; he would take Kiwako out to the cafe-bars and discos that were becoming popular at the time, and Kiwako also found this rather flashy way of spending her free time new and stimulating.
"brand of brash aggressiveness" の "brand" の意味が分からないので辞書を引きます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A habit, trait, or quality that causes someone public shame or disgrace.: ‘the brand of Paula's alcoholism’

・Collins Dictionary: A brand of something such as a way of thinking or behaving is a particular kind of it.: The British brand of socialism was more interested in reform than revolution.

・Wiktionary: Any specific type or variety of something; a distinct style or manner.: I didn't appreciate his particular brand of flattery.
"brand" にこんな意味の使い方があるのですね。
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