English Collection



2018年09月07日 | 英単語
George OrwellのHomage to Cataloniaを読んでいます。
The wretched children of my section could only be roused by dragging them out of their dug-outs feet foremost, and as soon as your back was turned they left their posts and slipped into shelter; or they would even, in spite of the frightful cold, lean up against the wall of the trench and fall fast asleep. Luckily the enemy were very unenterprising. There were nights when it seemed to me that our position could be stormed by twenty Boy Scouts armed with airguns, or twenty Girl Guides armed with battledores, for that matter.
"unenterprising" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Not having or showing initiative or entrepreneurial ability.: they demand their children seek permission for any act, but then turn upon them as unenterprising
・Collins Dictionary: lacking in boldness and initiative: Television producers are a predictable and unenterprising lot.: However unenterprising my decision, that is how things were at the time.
なるほど、そうすると当然 "enterprising" はその反対の積極的の意味ですね。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Having or showing initiative and resourcefulness.: some enterprising teachers have started their own recycling programs
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