When We Were Orphantsを読み始めました。著者はKazuo Ishiguroで、私がこの著者の小説を読むのはこれで5冊目です。
Miss Hemmings was not part of my particular set, but I found that whenever I mentioned her to friends, they would know of her. Moreover, I would glimpse her from time to time at functions, or else, often, in the tea-rooms of the grander hotels. In any case, in one way or another, I ended up accumulating a fair amount of information concerning her career in London society.
"function" は色々な意味があり、機能(動詞もあり)、関数、役割などは知っていますが、上の "at functions" には合いません。他の意味があるに違いません。辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A large or formal social event or ceremony.: he was obliged to attend party functions
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an official ceremony or a formal social event, such as a party or a special meal, at which a lot of people are usually present: As a mayor, he has a lot of official functions to attend.