
I love mother nature,and life

カリッソンで一息つく、そして初日の出 I had a relax time having Calissons d'Aix, and the new sun rise

2017-01-02 06:00:00 | グルメ

English follows





I love this sweet from south part of France, Aix en Province.

It is Calissons d'Aix.

It made from almond and egg.



新年はお天気が良く、初日の出クルーズに行ってきた。 海の上から初日の出を拝めて、うれしかったな!


This new year of 2017, it was a very fine weather fortunately, so I went to a cruising tour for watching a new sun rise. I was so happy to watch a new sun rise from the cruiser on the sea!


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