

ネコペン 2003 最終回

2012-03-30 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
He said , “I wonder if poor Charlotte got out safely . I wonder if her ‘gentleman
friend ’got out in time . If not , he's lost more then an ear on this job .”
“Yow ! ”said Koko . He was sitting tall on the TV and washing up_just
as he had sat tall on the volume of Van Gogh , licking his right paw and washing
his mask , his whiskers , and particularly his right ear .
“Remarkable cat !”Qwilleran murmured without elucidating to his skeptical friend .
“I've had all I can take ,”said Riker . “I'm going to bed .”
As soon as he was out of the room the Siamese engaged in a sudden expression
of joy , chasing each other wildly under and over the furniture; they knew
they were going home . Qwilleran propped himself against the headboard and
watched the steeplechase .
Eventually YumYum snuggled down on his lap . She had lost her apathy and moody
aloofness . Had she been affected by the “opalescence”that hung over the city
like a stifling blanket ? Did she find it unsettling to live on the fourteenth
floor (which was really the thirteenth ) ? Or was she simply using felin strategy
to get her own way ? Qwilleran stroked her soft silky fur and called her his
little sweetheart , and she responded by raising a velvet paw to touch his
moustache , all the while sweethzing her eyes and purring deliriously .
As for Koko , he jumped on the bed and flopped down in an attitude of exhaustion .
It had been a strenuous night . He had saved an estimated two hundred persons .

リリアン・J・ブラウンのネコシリーズの中からのPick upで、正式タイトルは


ネコペン 2002 ひとりでは出来ないこと

2012-03-29 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
A cracked voice off-camera shouted , “He's tellin'ya to tear the place down ! ”
The video cut to a Red Cross van and then a bus being loaded with refugees
in nightclothes , some huddled blankets . Voice-over: “Survivors are being bused
to temporary shelters . Residents who were not on the premises at the time of
the explosion are urged to telephone the following number to assist in the search
for the missing・・・”
Qwilleran said , “There's Mrs. Jasper with Napoleon , boarding the bus ! ”
She raised the cat's paw to wave at the camera . “And there's Yazbro , the skunk
who let the air out of my tires ! ”
A man in a red golf hat was helping elderly tenants into the bus . Then ,
as the camera panned the windows of the loaded vehicle , showing strained and
frightened faces , Qwilleran caught a glimpse of plucked eyebrows , marcelled hair ,
and a head tilted prettily to one side . His sigh of relief was more like a groan .

一箇所だけだと気付いた 全部で4箇所貼らなきゃいけないのに


ネコペン 2001 頚椎後縦靭帯・・・

2012-03-28 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
An announcer in a parka_filmed against a backgroud of fire trucks , ambulances ,
and police cars_was saying , “Firemen are still fighting the blaze at the Casablanca
apartments following an explosion at 3:18 this morning . The blast , of unknown origin ,
destroyed three floors of the building , which is almost a hundred years old .”
The camera zoomed to the top of the blackened , smoldering structure , while
the voice-over continued : “Forty-two residents have been hospitalized with
injuries , and many are missing . No bodies have been recovered . Jessica Tuttle ,
manager of the Casablanca , says it is impossible to tell how many persons were
in the building at the time of the explosion .”
The face of Mrs.Tuttle , grim and managerial , flashed on the screen with
a microphone therust in front of her . “We have about two hundred tenants ,”
she said , “bat we don't know who was in the building when it happened and
who wasn't. We're grateful for the prompt rescue attempts . Everything's been
handled very efficiently・・・No , I don't know what could bave caused it .
Perhaps the Lord is trying to tell us something .”

かかってしまって、終わったのは2時すぎだった もうぐったり(><)
とっても恐かった  1本目どうにかこらえて、ホッとしていたら・・・



ネコペン 1904 春休み~♪

2012-03-23 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
Taking advantage of the distraction , Jupiter sneaked around the end of the bar ,
snatching a small tube from his pocket . As he raised it there was a click and
a knifeblade shot out . Qwilleran , without taking his eye off the knife , grabbed
a bottle by the neck . For one frozen moment they faced each other . At the same
time a blur of fur passed between the two men , landing on the assailant's shoulder .
A whiplike tail flicked twice .
There was a yell of pain , and the man put a hand to his eyes . The other hand
wavered , and Qwilleran smashed down hard on the knife , then brought the bottle
down on Jupiter's head . As he collapsed , Qwilleran kicked the knife away and
stood over him with the bottle .
The French doors burst open ! Two figures appeared on the level above .
One of them had a gun .
“Hold it ! I got you covered ! ”
Qwilleran started to raise his hands before he realized that the man withe
the handgun was wearing a red golf hat . The man behind him had the paunchy figure
of Arch Riker .
“Call the police ! ”Qwilleran yelled .
Riker's ruddy face turned pale . “Qwill! You're supposed to be dead !

まったくもう~~~ 天気荒れるって言ってるのになぁ し~らないっ!

ネコペン 1903 あと5回・・・そして春

2012-03-21 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
“How'd you find out ? ”The vodka was coloring Jupiter's・face to match
his moustache .
“I have a snoopy nature and a little experience in criminal investigation .
There are tenants who heard screams just before Ross landed on Yazbro's car .
Dianne's murderer tossed the artist over the parapet , after dragging him down to the dark end of the terrace .”Qwilleran kept a sharp eye on his guest and saw
his hand go into his sweater pocket . “Want any more ice ? ”he asked as he carried
his own glass to the bar . Feeling secure behind the massive piece of furniture ,
he went on .
“But here's the clincher : You see that skyling up there ? Someone was on
the roof when it happened . There was a witness ! ”
Jupiter struggled to his feet . Qwilleran thought , he's half-bombed !
The man walked unsteadily to the bar and stood on the dhurrie , his hand still in
his pocket . Wordlessly the two of them faced each other across the bar , until
the heavy silence was broken by a clatter of glassware as something dropped between
them . Koko had flown through the air , landing on the bar with arched back , bushed
tail , flattened ears , and bared fangs .




ネコペン 1902 卒業式日和

2012-03-16 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
He walked home slowly and found the crumbling front steps a disgrace , the lobby
grim , the tenants depressing , and Old Red an affront to human dignity . Koko met
him at the door as usual and trotted to the library as usual , where he took
up his position on the Van Gogh volume as usual , tensing his tail like a corkscrew .
“What are you trying to tell me ? ”Qwilleran asked him . “Was that Vincent's
favorite perch ? ”The thought crossed his mind that Vincent had witnessed
the murder , and he had an irrational desire to visit the Bessinger-Todd Gallery
once more .
When he phoned , he was answered in a hurry . “Is the gallery still open ? ”
he asked . “This is Jim Qwilleran at the Casablanca .”
“I've just locked the door . This is Jerry Todd . What can I do for you ? ”
“I never had a chance to talk with you about artwork for my barn , and I may be
leaving soon . ”
“If you want to come over , I'll wait ,”the art dealer suggested .
“Be right there .”


ネコペン 1901 昨日のニュース

2012-03-13 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
Qwilleran went to the deli for an early dinner . All he wanted was a bowl of
chicken soup with matzo balls , a pastrami sandwich two inches thick , a dish of
rice pudding , and some time to sort out his feelings about life in the big city .
The Press Club was not what it used to be . The staffers at the Daily Fluxion were
all new and uninteresting . There was no one whose company he enjoyed half as
much as that of Polly Duncan and Arch Riker , not to mention Larry Lanspetk ,
Chief Brodie , Junior Goodwinter , Roger MacGillivray , and a dozen others .
The Casablanca itself was a disater , and the Countess would never agree to sell
to the Klingenschoen Fund . And the last straw was the theft of his car .
Even the prospect of writing a book on the Casablanca was losing its appeal .
At this moment he had only one reason to stay . He wanted to have lunch with
Lieutenant Hames as soon as the detective returned to town . He wanted to tell him
about Koko's discoveries : first the bloodstain , then the bracelet , and finally
the confession on the wall . He would relate how the cat found the exact spot
where the artist was said to have jumped form the terrace . Then he would advance
his theory that special-interest groups were resorthig to criminal means to clear
the way for the Gateway Alcazar : knifing the heir to the Casablanca and throwing
her lover from the terrace , after drugging them both .



ネコペン 1803 みつばちの日

2012-03-08 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
Both of the Siamese were on the waterbed .
“Everyone up !”he called out cheerfully . “Get your tickets for a ride in
the Purple Plum !”He made no mention of the clinic , and yet they knew !
No amount of coaxing would convince them to enter the carrier .
First he tried to push Koko through the small door , beginning with
the forelegs , then the head , but the cat braced his hind legs against the
conveyance , straddling the door and lashing his tail like a whip . Even
employing all his cunning , Qwilleran still could not engineer four legs ,
a head , a lashing tail , and a squirming body into the carrier simultaneously .
In frustration he abandoned the project and had a dish of ice cream , and
when he returned to the scene some minutes later , both animals were
huddled in the carrier contentedly , side by side .
“Cats !”Qwilleran grumbled . “CATS!”
He carried the coop from the apartment and rang for the elevator .
“Don't shriek when the car is in operation ,”he cautioned YumYum .
“You know what happened last time .”He held his breath until Old Green
landed them safely on the main floor .
“Bye-bye , kitties ,”called Mrs. Tuttle , looking up from her knitting
as they passed the bulletproof window .

外は、昨日とはうって変わって、真冬並みの寒さ それでもがんばって、
と思ったら・・・途中にBook offがあったので、ちょっと寄り道してたら1時間ほど


ネコペン 1802 日光浴

2012-03-06 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
“Water trees , change beds , put sheets and towels through laundry , turn on
dishwasher , push vac around , and dust a bit , ”she recited . “I don't do windows .”
She marched into the kitchen and poked her head into the dishwasher , which was empty .
“I take my meals out ,”Qwilleran explained . “That's the cats' plate on the floor .
There may be some cat hairs around the apartment . I have two Siamese .”
It hardly needed mentioning . Koko was circling the woman with intense interest
and sniffing her shoes .
“No bother . Miss Bessinger had a Persian , and I have a tom of my own , though
his tomcattin' days be over . You've seen Napoleon , like as not . We live on
the main floor , and he be a sociable critter .”
She headed for the gallery with the vacuum cleaner and attachments , which Qwilleran
offered to carry . Her regional speech reminded him of certain longtime residents
of Moose County . “May I ask where you came from originally , Mrs.Jasper ?
You're not city bred .”
“Aye , I come from a small town up north , name of Chipmunk . My paw had a potato
farm .”
“I know Chipmunk very well ,”he said . “I live in Pickax City .”



ネコペン 1801  閏年のおかげ

2012-03-01 | ネコペン(2011.10~2012.3月)
For the cat's breakfast he minced baked shrimp stuffed with lump crabmeat and
placed the plate on the floor . “Gamberi ripieni alla Roberto ,”he announced ,
“with the compliments of the chef . Buon appetito ! ”The Siamese plunged into
their breakfast with gusto . Their current behavior might be abnormal , but
there was nothing wrong with their gustatory connoisseurship .
As he watched them devour the repast with gurgling murmurs of ecstasy ,
there was a knock at the door . Before he could respond , a key turned in the lock ,
the door opened , and a gray-haired rosy-cheeked woman in a faded denim smock
bustled into the foyer .
“Oh , you still here ? Mornin' to you . I be Mrs.Jasper ,”she said .
“Mrs. Tuttle said I were to clean on Mondays .”
“Happy to have you . I'm on my way out to breakfast , so I won't be in your way .
Do you know where everything is ?”
“That I do ! I cleaned for Miss Bessinger , and I handle everythin' careful ,
like she said , and clean the rugs with attachments , them bein' hand made .
You moved one ! ”she exclaimed with a frown , as she peered into the gallery
where the dhurrie covered the bloodstain .
“I prefer to have it there , ”Qwilleran said .
“Will you water the trees ? They haven't had any attention for a week .”

気がします 閏年じゃなかったら、昨日が3月1日で、あの雪ですもんね(笑)