


2015-11-30 | Book

『 人生の秋に 』ヘルマン ホイヴェルス著
『 ルリボシカミキリの青 』福岡伸一著
『 発想の種IMAGINE 発見編 』川崎健二・茂木健一郎編著
『 脳はこんなに悩ましい 』池谷裕二・中村うさぎ対談
『 さやかに星はきらめき 』遠藤周作他
『 わたしを離さないで 』カズオ・イシグロ著
『 PK 』伊坂幸太郎著
『 バイバイ、ブラックバード 』伊坂幸太郎著
『 しあわせなミステリー 』柚月裕子他
『 図書館奇譚 』村上春樹著



Typing 2015 <26> 秋ドラマ・・つづき♪

2015-11-25 | Anne 再び♪
Anne's beauty-loving eyes lingered on it all , taking everything greedily in .
 She had looked on so many unlovely places in her life , poor child ; but this
 was as lovely as anything she had ever dreamed .
 She knelt there , lost to everything but the loveliness around her , until she
 was startled by a hand on her shoulder . Marilla had come in unheard by the
 small dreamer .

 " It's time you were dressed , " she said curtly . Marilla really did not know
 how to talk to the child , and her uncomfortable ignorance made her crisp
 and curt when she did not mean to be .

 Anne stood up and drew a long breath .
 " Oh , isn't it wonderful ? " she said , waving her hand comprehensively at
 the good world outside .
 " It's a big tree , " said Marilla , " and it blooms great , but the fruit don't
 amount to much neverーsmall and wormy . "

"Oh, I don't mean just the tree ; of course it's lovelyーyes , it's RADIANTLY
 lovelyーit blooms as if it meant itーbut I meant everything , the garden and
 the orchard and the brook and the woods , the whole big dear world . Don't
 you feel as if you just loved the world on a morning like this ? And I can hear
 the brook laughing all the way up here . Have you ever noticed what cheerful
 things brooks are ? They're always laughing . Even in winter-time I've heard
 them under the ice . I'm so glad there's a brook near Green Gables . Perhaps
 you think it doesn't make any difference to me when you're not going to keep
 me , but it does . I shall always like to remember that there is a brook at Green
 Gables even if I never see it again . If there wasn't a brook I'd be HAUNTED
 by the uncomfortable feeling that there ought to be one . I'm not in the depths
 of despair this morning . I never can be in the morning . Isn't it a splendid thing
 that there are mornings ? But I feel very sad . I've just been imagining that it
 was really me you wanted after all and that I was to stay here for ever and ever .
 It was a great comfort while it lasted . But the worst of imagining things is that
 the time comes when you have to stop and that hurts . "


 『5→9』のエンディング曲<back number/クリスマスソング>


Typing 2015 <25> 秋ドラマベスト5♪

2015-11-19 | Anne 再び♪
It was broad daylight when Anne awoke and sat up in bed , staring confusedly
 at the window through which a flood of cheery sunshine was pouring and outside
 of which something white and feathery waved across glimpses of blue sky .
 For a moment she could not remember where she was . First came a delightful
 thrill , as something very pleasant ; then a horrible remembrance . This was
 Green Gables and they didn't want her because she wasn't a boy !

 But it was morning and , yes , it was a cherry-tree in full bloom outside of her
 window . With a bound she was out of bed and across the floor . She pushed
 up the sashーit went up stiffly and creakily , as if it hadn't been opened for a
 long time , which was the case ; and it stuck so tight that nothing was needed
 to hold it up .

Anne dropped on her knees and gazed out into the June morning , her eyes
 glistening with delight . Oh , wasn't it beautiful ? Wasn't it a lovely place ?
 Suppose she wasn't really going to stay here ! She would imagine she was .
 There was scope for imagination here .A huge cherry-tree grew outside , so
 close that its boughs tapped against the house , and it was so thick-set with
 blossoms that hardly a leaf was to be seen . On both sides of the house was
 a big orchard , one of apple-trees and one of cherry-trees , also showered
 over with blossoms ; and their grass was all sprinkled with dandelions . In the
 garden below were lilac-trees purple with flowers , and their dizzily sweet
 fragrance drifted up to the window on the morning wind .

Below the garden a green field lush with clover sloped down to the hollow
 where the brook ran and where scores of white birches grew , upspringing
 airily out of an undergrowth suggestive of delightful possibilities in ferns
 and mosses and woodsy things generally . Beyond it was a hill , green and
 feathery with spruce and fir; there was a gap in it where the grey gable end
 of the little house she had seen from the other side of the Lake of Shining
 Waters was visible . Off to the left were the big barns and beyond them ,
 away down over green, low-sloping fields , was a sparkling blue glimpse of sea .


2.掟上今日子の備忘録(岡田将生・新垣結衣)隠舘 厄介


Typing 2015 <24> 曇ってる (>_<)

2015-11-11 | Anne 再び♪
" Well , this is a pretty kettle of fish , " she said wrathfully .
 " This is what comes of sending word instead of going ourselves . Richard
 Spencer's folks have twisted that message somehow . One of us will have
 to drive over and see Mrs. Spencer tomorrow , that's certain . This girl will
 have to be sent back to the asylum . "
 " Yes , I suppose so , " said Matthew reluctantly .

 " You SUPPOSE so ! Don't you know it ? "

 " Well now , she's a real nice little thing , Marilla . It's kind of a pity to send
 her back when she's so set on staying here . "

 " Matthew Cuthbert , you don't mean to say you think we ought to keep her ! "

 Marilla's astonishment could not have been greater if Matthew had expressed
 a predilection for standing on his head .

 " Well, now , no , I suppose notーnot exactly , " stammered Matthew ,
 uncomfortably driven into a corner for his precise meaning .
 " I supposeーwe could hardly be expected to keep her . "

" I should say not . What good would she be to us ? "
 " We might be some good to her , " said Matthew suddenly and unexpectedly .

 " Matthew Cuthbert , I believe that child had bewitched you ! I can see as
 plain as plain that you want to keep her . "

 " Well now , she's a real interesting little thing , " persisted Matthew .
 " You should have heard her talk coming from the station . "

 " Oh , she can talk fast enough . I saw that at once . It's nothing in her favour ,
 either . I don't like children who have so much to say . I don't want an orphan
 girl and if I did she isn't the style I'd pick out . There's something I don't
 understand about her . No , she's got to be despatched straight-way back to
 where she came from . "

 " I could hire a French boy to help me , " said Matthew , " and she'd be company
 for you . "

 " I'm not suffering for company , " said Marilla shortly . " And I'm not going to
 keep her . "

 " Well now , it's just as you say , of course , Marilla , " said Matthew rising and
 putting his pipe away . " I'm going to bed . "

 To bed went Matthew . And to bed , when she had put her dishes away , went
 Marilla , frowning most resolutely . And up-stairs , in the east gable , a lonely ,
 heart-hungry , friendless child cried herself to sleep .



 「思い通りにならない日は 明日頑張ろう」ってところがあったっけか・・


Typing 2015 <23> スポーツの秋あれこれ♪

2015-11-05 | Anne 再び♪
When Marilla had gone Anne looked around her wistfully . The whitewashed
 walls were so painfully bare and staring that she thought they must ache over
 their own bareness . The floor was bare, too , except for a round braided met
 in the middle such as Anne had never seen before . In one corner was the bed ,
 a high , old-fashioned one , with four dark , low-turned posts . In the other
 corner was the aforesaid three-corner table adorned with a fat, red velvet
 pin-cushion hard enough to turn the point of the most adventurous pin . Above
 it hung a little six-by-eight mirror . Midway between table and bed was the
 window , with an icy white muslin frill over it , and opposite it was the wash-
 stand . The whole apartment was of a rigidity not to be described in words ,
 but which sent a shiver to the very marrow of Anne's bones . With a sob she
 hastily discarded her garments , put on the skimpy nightgown and sprang into
 bed where she burrowed face downward into the pillow and pulled the clothes
 over her head . When Marilla came up for the light various skimpy articles of
 raiment scattered most untidily over the floor and a certain tempestuous
 appearance of the bed were the only indications of any presence save her own .

She deliberately picked up Anne's clothes, placed them neatly on a prim
 yellow chair , and then , taking up the candle , went over to the bed .
 " Good night , " she said , a little awkwardly , but not unkindly .

 Anne's white face and big eyes appeared over the bedclothes with a startling
 suddenness .

 " How can you call it a GOOD night when you know it must be the very worst
 night I've ever had ? "
 she said reproachfully .

 Then she dived down into invisibility again .

Marilla went slowly down to the kitchen and proceeded to wash the supper
 dishes . Matthew was smokingーa sure sign of perturbation of mind . He seldom
 smoked , for Marilla set her face against it as a filthy habit ; but at certain
 times and seasons he felt driven to it and them Marilla winked at the practice ,
 realizing that a mere man must have some vent for his emotions .


私は、専らTV観戦 スケート・高校ラグビー・スケート・駅伝・駅伝
