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よみがえったアンゴルモアの大王  The resurrected King of Angolmois

2023-09-27 18:41:04 | 運命学

全般の仏教徒、そして、ヒンドゥー教 ジャイナ教、シーク教、その他の各宗教

その歓迎 まさにこれこそ、仏陀の「お呼び」にちがいなく、この盛況は、すべ 仏陀の登場のための「舞台づくり」なのではあるまいかと思われ、これからさらに一 体なにが起こるのであろうかと、心ときめく思いで、わたくしは、「その時」を待ったの である。






これだけの事実が積み重ねられ、それで、なにごとも起きないということはあり得ぬ。 かならず、なにかが起きる。





点 火


忘我の瞬間 なにもかも忘れて、無心となる。 その刹那、

















直感した。 まがうことなき、仏陀のおすがたであった。(わたくしは、以前、大英博物 館所蔵といわれる釈尊の肖像画を見たことがある。 それに近い顔立ちのように思われた) 「お若い!」









この間、約三、四秒、もう一秒でもつづいたら、わたくしは絶息, 絶心していたかもし れぬ。

おすがたが消え、一瞬、 虚脱状態になった。

修法中でなかったら、わたくしは倒れていたかもしれぬ。頭の中が真白になって、なに も考えが浮かんでこない。

仏陀の眼光だけが、炊きつくように、わたくしの眼前にあった。その眼光に向かって、 無意識に、わたくしの唇は動いて、問いつづけていた。

「なぜ? なぜ? なぜ?」

サヘート・マハートのときは、聴覚に来た。 眼に見えたのは、白銀色のバイブレー ションのみであった。すべて、言葉にちかいかたちで、概念が入って来た。 今度はちがっ た。視覚のみに来た。言葉も、概念も一切なかった。 そして、最高度の霊界の存在に接す るとき、すさまじいバイブレーションによって、極度の衝撃と恐怖感が生ずることを、は じめて知った。








ホテルの部屋にもどっても、深夜、 まんじりともしなかった。 明けがた、ウトウトとした。







offering ceremony" (火の儀式)という言葉だった。

そうだ、大柴燈護摩という名称、形式にこだわることはないのだ。火の儀式と考えよう。 火の儀式とすると、なんの儀式だ。





わたくしは思わず、大きな声で叫んでいた。 躍りあがって、叫んでいた。




死んだイエスが甦ったという主張で、キリスト教の信の中核をなす考え方。 復活祭

キリストの復活は、マタイ、マルコ、ルカ、ヨハネの四福音書すべてに記されてお り、パウロは「もしキリストがよみがえらなかったとすれば、あなたがたの信仰は空 「虚なものとなる」(コリント人への第一の手紙)とのべている。

したがって、復活祭はキリスト教の諸聖日の中でも、とくに重要な日で、最も古く から祝われてきた。

復活祭前夜には、(中略) 公共の祝火がたかれ、人々は賛美歌を歌いながら炎 が消えるまで火の周囲を回り、この火をとび越え、あるいはその灰とか燃えさしを畑 (平凡社世界大百科事典』による) に埋めて豊作を祈った。



さきに、中国での講演によって、阿含仏教の正当性はみとめられ、仏陀は復権・復活し た。


シャカも、復活したならば、復活祭がおこなわれなければならぬ。それでこそ、 シャカ の復活は公けのものになり、人びとのよろこびとなり、はげましとなるのである。どうし ても復活祭がおこなわれなければならなかったのである。

ブッダの復活祭それは、同時に、 アンゴルモアの大王の生誕祭であった

考えてみれば、 アンゴルモアの大王は、仏陀生誕の地、インドで誕生することこそが、 最もふさわしいものというべきだろう。 復活祭も、まず最初にインドでおこなわれるべき だ。

インドのすべての仏教者、そして、ヒンドゥー教、ジャイナ教、シーク教、その他の宗 教者たちによって祭りの火が焚かれ、熱烈にお祝いされる。



仏教が、インド・シナ・日本の三国に普遍して伝わったという意味だが、中国で復活し て、インドで復活祭をおこなう。その司祭をつとめるのは日本の僧侶という文字通り三国





永遠の生命の流れその中に いまぞ仏陀はよみがえり拾う





たえまなくつづく戦乱、動乱、経済不安、環境破壊、資源の枯渇(とりわけ水資源、食 料問題)等、どれをみても、絶望するばかりの状況である。


わたくしは、現代文明の行きづまりは、キリスト教系文明の行きづまりをあらわすもの であると考える。

先進国として、これまで世界を引っぱってきたキリスト教系文明の行きづまりが、世界 行きづまりとなっていると考えるのである。


文明の過誤を指摘して、世界が立ち直るためには、仏陀の真の教えの復活しかないとい ている。




これまで、二〇〇〇年の間、キリスト教系文明が世界を引っぱってきた。一応、成功し たかに見えたが、行きづまった。このままでは崩壊するよりほかはない。残るは仏教系文 明による復興しかないであろう。


それにしても、何世紀にもわたって、世界じゅうのどれほどのかずの人びとが、恐怖の 大王とアンゴルモアの大王という名に幻惑翻弄させられてきたことか。



Buddhists in general, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and other religions

This welcome must have been the Buddha's ``call'', and I wondered if this success was all ``setting the stage'' for the arrival of the Buddha, and I wondered what would happen next. With excitement, I waited for ``that moment.''

And on this day, the time for the Osaito Goma memorial service finally arrived.

buddha manifestation


I've been feeling a little restless since this morning.

On this day, at this time, more than ten years have been condensed.

With so many facts piled up, it is impossible for nothing to happen. Something is bound to happen.

What happens?

As the time for the practice approaches, my nervousness increases.

A faint shiver ran down my spine.

Sitting in Leo,


As I headed to the altar and began practicing the Dharma, my mind gradually calmed down.

A moment of ecstasy, when one forgets everything and becomes mindless. That moment,


It came.

"This is it!"

And behold.

It was a blinding shock. Silver-colored vibrations!

It was exactly the same as with Sahet Mabeet.

Tremendous horror, a chilling sense of fear.

Thinking this, I grit my teeth, endure it, and stare at the flames in front of me.

For a moment, the huge conflagration of Goma turned into a slow-motion movement. A seated figure appeared, half buried in the flames.

Buddha statue?

I thought for a moment.



I almost screamed.

It was the movement of a living human being, flickering in the air.

"Ah! It's Buddha!"

I felt it intuitively. He was the perfect Buddha. (I once saw a portrait of Shakyamuni Buddha said to be in the British Museum. His facial features seemed similar to that one.) "Young man!"

I felt that. I don't know how old he is. However, I felt that he was young.

He is wearing a short but revealing garment.

He raised his hands, lowered them, opened his mouth, and seemed to be preaching.

I was able to see this.

The light in his eyes hit me.

It’s not a human eye!”


At that moment, my fear reached a boiling point.

During this time, it was about three or four seconds; if he had continued for even one more second, I would have lost my breath, and he would have died.

My face disappeared, and for a moment I was in a state of collapse.

If I hadn't been practicing, I might have collapsed. His mind went blank and he couldn't think of anything.

Only the Buddha's gaze was in front of me, as if burning. Unconsciously, my lips moved toward that gaze and I kept asking questions.

"Why? Why? Why?"

With Sahet Mahat, I came to hearing. All he could see was his silver vibrator. All the concepts came to me in a way that was almost like words. He was different this time. I came for the sight only. There were no words, no concepts. And for the first time, he realized that when he comes into contact with the highest spiritual beings, the tremendous vibrations cause an extreme sense of shock and fear.

Anyway, what did the Buddha show us?

“Why are you here now?”


I kept thinking about that.

It was the resurrection of Buddha

A social gathering was held that night.

Even while sitting there, I kept thinking about it in the back of my mind.

When I returned to my hotel room, it was late at night and I didn't even notice. Early in the morning, I dozed off.

In my dream, something suddenly crossed my mind and I woke up.

"What was that, uh-"

"Fire Ceremony"


I feel like I have an answer in there, but I can't quite remember it.

This is the text from His Excellency Rama Lobsang's letter of invitation.

The word was "offering ceremony" (fire ceremony).

That's right, we don't care about the name or format of Osaito Goma. Think of it as a fire ritual. If it's a fire ritual, what kind of ritual is it?

It shouldn't have anything to do with fire worship.

My head spun rapidly.

“Yes, it’s Easter!”

I couldn't help but scream out loud. He was jumping up and screaming.

“Isn’t this the resurrection of Buddha and the Easter of Shaka!”

Unable to contain my excitement, I walked around the room.

Please refer to the encyclopedia for information on resurrection and Easter.

The idea that the dead Jesus rose from the dead is the central idea of Christianity. Easter

The resurrection of Christ is recorded in all four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and Paul says, ``If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain.'' 1 Corinthians).

Therefore, Easter is a particularly important day among the Christian holy days, and has been celebrated since the earliest times.

On the eve of Easter, a public fire is lit, and people sing hymns and circle the fire until it goes out, then jump over the fire, or scatter its ashes and embers in a field (Heibonsha). (according to the World Encyclopedia)) and prayed for a good harvest.

The recent Osaito Goma memorial service was undoubtedly a fire ceremony for the resurrection of Buddha.

Ru. It was Easter, a time to light a fire to celebrate the resurrection of Buddha.

Earlier, through his lecture in China, the legitimacy of Agon Buddhism was recognized, and the Buddha was reinstated and revived.

Christ has also been resurrected, and Easter is being celebrated.

If Shaka were to be resurrected, an Easter festival would have to be held. Only in this way can Shaka's resurrection become public, bring joy to people, and become a source of outrage. Why did he need Easter to be held?

Buddha's Easter was also the birthday festival of the Great King of Angolmois.

If you think about it, it would be most appropriate for the Great King of Angolmois to be born in India, the birthplace of Buddha. Easter should also be celebrated in India first.

The festival is lit and celebrated with great enthusiasm by all Buddhists of India, as well as Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and other religions.

Therefore, it can be said that it is appropriate for the resurrection of Shaka and the birth of the great king of Angolmois.

Buddhism is called ``the teachings of the Three Kingdoms.''

It means that Buddhism was universally transmitted to the three countries of India, China, and Japan, but it was revived in China and Easter is celebrated in India. The priests are Japanese monks, literally three kingdoms.

He is the universal Buddhist San.

Glory to the risen Buddha!

The young reality of the lion-roaring sage

stare intently into the flames

In the eternal flow of life, he is now the Buddha who has risen from the dead.

The great king of Angolmois comes back to life

in conclusion

Maybe I'll lead a new century

The world is now at a standstill in all respects.

The situation is one of despair no matter how you look at it, such as the constant wars, turmoil, economic instability, environmental destruction, and resource depletion (particularly water and food issues).

Did humanity take a wrong turn somewhere?

I believe that the impasse of modern civilization reflects the impasse of Christian civilization.

As a developed country, we believe that the stalemate of Christian civilization, which has been leading the world until now, is now the world's stalemate.

In 1999, I wrote ``Escape from Karma and Spiritual Obstacle'', and 19 years ago, I had already converted to Christianity.

He points out the errors of civilization and says that the only way for the world to recover is to restore the true teachings of Buddha.

There are two civilizations in the world.

At this time

They are Christian civilization and Buddhist civilization.

For the past 2,000 years, Christian civilization has led the world. It seemed like he was successful, but he was stuck. If things continue like this, they have no choice but to collapse. The only thing remaining would be a revival through Buddhist civilization.

I think Nostradamus' prophecies pointed out this.

How many people around the world have been bewitched over the centuries by the names of the Great King of Terror and the Great King of Angolmois?

This is why the whole world was interested in the resurrection of Buddha.

If it had been a common expression such as ``the resurrection of the Buddha,'' the world would not have been so enthusiastic about it.


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