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仏教の革新者:成仏法を求める旅 Buddhist innovators 佛教创新者

2024-06-12 10:44:00 | タブレットPC

1. 「成仏法の追求者:日本の仏教改革者の物語」
2. 「真実の探求者:阿含宗の創設者の挑戦」
3. 「仏教の革新者:成仏法を求める旅」
1. "Seeker of the Law of Attainment: The Story of a Japanese Buddhist Reformer"
2. "Seeker of Truth: The Challenge of the Founder of the Agon Sect"
3. "Innovator of Buddhism: A Journey in Search of the Law of Attainment"
What he realized was an astonishing leap in intelligence. He was intrigued by the lack of "the law of attainment" in Japanese Buddhism, and in his search for the truth, he devoted himself to the study of all scriptures. The absence of the law of attainment was as puzzling to him as the absence of Christ in Christianity. This is because God saves humanity through Christ, and similarly, in Buddhism, humanity is saved through the law of attainment. And it is extremely puzzling that the law of attainment does not exist in Japanese Buddhism.
Although he had doubts, he did not remain in the mystery, but instead resolved to seek the law of attainment. However, he had no Buddhist teacher and had to pursue everything on his own. Although he struggled with technical terms and difficult texts, he was guided by the Gumonji Somyoh method and finally succeeded in finding the law of attainment in the Agon Sutras.
At that moment, he understood why Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining enlightenment. He realized that this was because Japanese Mahayana Buddhism was a direct adoption of ancient Chinese Buddhism, and that misunderstandings from Chinese Buddhism were inherited at that time. Although the Agama Sutra is the scripture that most clearly teaches the truth, it was considered the lowest in Chinese Buddhism, and the fact that Mahayana sutras were given preferential treatment hindered understanding of the method for attaining enlightenment.
He felt a responsibility to spread this truth widely, and decided to establish the Agama Sect. He foresaw many difficulties, but he had unwavering conviction and stuck to his resolve. Enduring opposition from traditional Buddhism and attacks from the media, he founded a religious organization with just one disciple, and it now has hundreds of thousands of followers.
His religious organization appears to have huge assets, but in reality he and his family had almost no assets, and he considered his followers to be their treasure. With the power he gained from practicing the Gumonji Somyoh method and the Attainment Method, he lived a life full of the wisdom and compassion of Buddha Shaka every day.
For him, true happiness was found in spiritual richness and the spread of truth, rather than in money or material possessions, and this was the greatest asset in his life.
那时他明白了为什么日本佛教没有成佛的方法。原来,日本的大乘佛教是中国古代佛教的直接改编,当时对中国佛教的误解也被延续了下来。 《阿耀经》虽然是宣讲最多真理的经,但在汉传佛教中却被认为是最低级的,大乘经受到优待,阻碍了对成佛法则的理解。
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