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准胝観音 Juntei Kannon

2024-06-16 18:02:16 | タブレットPC

准胝観音 真言  Cundī
Namosattanam samyaksanmodaktinan taniyata on sharay shurei juntei sowaka
Juntei Kannon
She is said to be the mother of Buddha and symbolizes motherhood.
The goddess of destiny
What is Juntei Kannon?
She is also called Juntei Buddha Mother or Shichikutei Buddha Mother. She was originally the Hindu goddess Durga, who is said to be the wife of Lord Shiva. She is very beautiful, but she is also a goddess of war who defeated demons with the weapons of the gods. Therefore, some point out that she is originally a female deity and not a Kannon. However, we will introduce her as a Kannon here.
After being incorporated into Buddhism, she has been considered a merciful deity who brings purity, and is also called Shichikutei Buddha Mother. This means that she is the mother of Buddha who gave birth to many Buddhas in the distant past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, she is counted among the Six Kannon Bodhisattvas (Holy Kannon, Thousand-Armed Kannon, Eleven-Headed Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Bato Kannon, and Juntei Kannon) who save humanity, but in the Tendai sect, she is called Juntei Buddha Mother and is classified as a Tathagata. She is also called the Seven Kannon Bodhisattvas together with the Unempty Lasso Kannon.
Juntei Kannon Mantra Cundi
Namosattanam samyaksanmodaktinan taniyata on sharay shurei juntei sowaka
Juntei Son Sutra
If we continue to chant quietly in our hearts, we will be able to overcome any great difficulties. Happiness will be brought to heaven and man, and we will become like Buddhas. If we touch this wish-granting jewel, we will receive unsurpassed joy. If we do not fulfill our vow of great compassion and ignore the wishes of others, we will be trapped in falsehood and sinfulness, will not reach true understanding, and will abandon great compassion.
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2024年6月16日 九星  無料 今日の運命 Today's Fate 今日缘分

2024-06-16 11:04:48 | タブレットPC

破壊の週 安の日

June 16, 2024
Rokuhaku Kinsei Day
You will come into contact with someone who has a new project. You will be excited and likely to have a fight. Losing is winning. If you get angry, you will lose, so don't be proud of yourself. Be rich and heartwarming
Destructive Week - Peaceful Day
A day to be careful not to get emotional
This is a relatively stable day during the destructive week. However, if you get too excited, you will get a slap in the face in the second half of the destructive week. Start working on the matters that you have been putting off in the first half of the week on this day. When doing so, it is important to proceed calmly while carefully checking the contents. Also, unexpected progress is likely to occur if you consult with those around you. Be sure to actively seek advice. Your mind and body are somewhat unstable, so it is important to make sure you have enough time to relax.
June 16, 2024
Rokuhaku Kinsei Day
You will come into contact with someone who has a new project. You will be excited and likely to have a fight. Losing is winning. If you get angry, you will lose, so don't be proud of yourself. Be rich and heartwarming
Destructive Week - Peaceful Day
A day to be careful not to get emotional
This is a relatively stable day during the destructive week. However, if you get too excited, you will get a slap in the face in the second half of the destructive week. Start working on the matters that you have been putting off in the first half of the week on this day. When doing so, it is important to proceed calmly while carefully checking the contents. Also, unexpected progress is likely to occur if you consult with those around you. Be sure to actively seek advice. Your mind and body are somewhat unstable, so it is important to make sure you have enough time to relax.
06月16日 (日曜)月齢

Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
Buddha 2Japan journala
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
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デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電


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