


2013-05-02 | 微生物:細菌・真菌
High frequency of fluoroquinolone- and macrolide-resistant streptococci among clinically isolated group B streptococci with reduced penicillin susceptibility
J Antimicrob Chemother 2013; 68: 539–542

Kouji Kimura1,2*, Noriyuki Nagano3, Yukiko Nagano2, Satowa Suzuki2, Jun-ichi Wachino1,2, Keigo Shibayama2 and Yoshichika Arakawa1,2

57株のGBSについて今回調査;Fifty-seven GBS (19 PRGBS and 38 PSGBS) were isolated from blood or respiratory specimens in Japan between 2001 and 2008.
PRGBS;penicillin耐性(PBP 2X), PSGBS ;ペニシリン感受性 

感受性;the agar dilution method recommended by the CLSI using Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 49619 as the quality-control strain.

耐性;キノロン;gyrA, gyrB, parC and parE genes
マクロライド;erm(TR), erm(B) and mef(A/E), we performed PCR amplification of these partial genes using primers described previousl

結果;The frequency of non-susceptibility to FQs among PSGBS was 18.4% (7/38), whereas that among PRGBS was 100% (19/19). The frequency of resistance to erythromycin among PSGBS was 7.9% (3/38), while that among PRGBS was 47.4% (9/19).

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