歴程日誌 ー創造的無と統合的経験ー

Process Diary
Creative Nothingness & Integrative Experience

The Philsophy of Nothingness and Hayathology 5

2009-10-10 | Essays in English 英文記事

2 The Philosophy of Nothingness

As I have explained, though very roughly, the fundamental standpoint of Hayathology, I would like to take up the second theme of my lecture today, i.e. the philosophy of Nothingness. The reason why I take up the philosophy of Nothingness seriously is that I believe that the Deeper understanding of “Nothingness” in the Eastern philosophical tradition will make it possible the deeper understanding of “Becoming” in Hayathology and process theology in general. 

 First I quote Nishida Kitaro in order to know the spirit of philosophy of nothingness.

I would cite an episode narrating the young Nishida’s encounter with the East-Asian Tradition of Nothingness. It would help us to understand his philosophy of nothingness because it tells as something like the birthplace of his philosophy, or Sitz im Leben (Locus of Life) which the philosophy of nothingness was born. The locus was Zen Buddhist Temple where the young Nishida was negotiating the way of Meditation and “Koan” Practice. Epecially the first case of the Gateless Gate (無門関) known as “Joshu’s one letter of Nothingness or Joshu’s Dog is relevant to our purpose


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