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CY0 Postponed

2010-10-25 21:03:37 | Weblog
from OPDX news

CY0, SABLE ISLAND (Update/Operation Postponed). Randy, N0TG, reports:
"Today, prior to our planned departure to Sable Island on Saturday, a
major safety issue was discovered with the charter aircraft that requires
repair before we can fly. As of this writing, parts have not yet been
located and it is estimated that acquiring parts and completing the repairs
will extend as much as 3 weeks or longer. Thus, we will be returning to
the U.S. to 'regroup' and reschedule a return for another try. Hopefully,
a new date can be announced in the near future. Info and details will be
posted on the website <http://www.CY0dxpedition.com>, as they develop.
Thanks to all for your patience and understanding."

PJ4 result

2010-10-25 09:00:36 | Weblog
The DXpedition is now QRT and the final logs for PJ4B, PJ4D and PJ4W have been uploaded.

Due to an internet outage during the last 4 days of our stay, keeping the logs updated proved to be a real challenge. The outage also put the kibosh on our real time log and video stream during the last 4 days. However, we hope you enjoyed watching and listening in while the feeds were live.

Score is about 60.000 QSO’s in log:

34000 – PJ4D
15000 – PJ4B
8000 – PJ4W
2000 – PJ4LS
400 – PJ4/PG4M

PJ4I and PJ4N did not upload their log online.