HAM radio
DX information
DX news


2010-10-24 19:23:32 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VP2M   - George, K2DM  will  be  active  on  160-6  metres  as  VP2MDG  from
         Montserrat (NA-103) from 27 October to 2 November,  CQ  WW  DX  SSB
         Contest included. QSL via K2DM.


2010-10-24 19:21:28 | Weblog
from 425DX news

V6     - Miki,  JJ2CJB  will  be  active  as  V63CJB  from  Chuuk  (OC-011),
         Micronesia between 29 October and 2 November. He  will  concentrate
         operations during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest; outside the contest  he
         will operate holiday style on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres  CW  and
         SSB. QSL via home call, direct  or  bureau,  and  LoTW.

approved for DXCC

2010-10-24 19:18:56 | Weblog

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

  A51A – Bhutan

2010 Operation

  T6MB – Afghanistan

2010 Operation

  9U1RSI – Burundi

2010 Operation

  9U4T – Burundi

2010 Operation

  9U1KI – Burundi

2010 Operation

  9U1VO – Burundi

2010 Operation

  If you’ve had any of these operations rejected in a recent submission please send a note to dxcc@arrl.org. You can verify the update to your records either by checking your LoTW account, or, you’ll see a change in the live daily listing on the DXCC web site.

73 es DX!

  Bill Moore NC1L

Awards Branch Manager

ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111

Telephone: (860) 594 0234

Fax: (860) 594-0346

email: dxcc@arrl.org

DXCC Web Site: www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc

Blog: http://www.arrl.org/awards-blog