HAM radio
DX information
DX news

Special Event station SN120

2009-08-24 18:20:24 | Weblog
from OPDX news

SN120, POLAND (Special Event). Look for special event station SN120OSP
to be active between now and October 31st. Activity will be on all bands
and modes. Operations are to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the
auxiliary fire brigade of the Polish City "Gorowo Ilaweckie". QSL via


2009-08-24 13:19:13 | Weblog
from OPDX news

HL9, SOUTH KOREA (Update/Attention PFX Hunters!). Mike, KE7WRJ, will be
here for over 2 months starting September 9th. He plans to be active as
HL9QST, September 10th, but no later than 11th. This is a rare prefix
only assigned to U.S. Service members assigned to Korea. His tentative
schedule is to operate from 4 different locations in South Korea as
follows: September 10-12th: Seoul
September 14-24th: Camp Casey
September 25th-October 18th: Camp Humphreys
October 19-29th: Camp Carroll
October 30th-November 13th: Seoul
Activity will be on 40-10 meters, depending on the propagation, using CW
and SSB. Operations will be at least 8 hours a day during the week and
longer over the weekends. Look for him to be in both the Extra and General
portions of the bands. His equipment will consist of a 5000A by Flex Radio,
a "3 element Yagi in a Bag" from Super Antennas. QSL via KE7WRJ, direct or

4W on the air

2009-08-24 06:02:40 | Weblog
4W6Al is on air now.

Al started operation today around 11 utc on 20m CW.

He worked some US, some EU and many JA's.

Antenna is a dipole and only 5 meters High, so signal will be weak sure. Next
week, Al will try better conditions.

4W6Al send me 1st day activity log, but with some error and i can not open it.
Al will be send me it again as soon as possible.
All informations on http://algarvedx.com and via our mailing list.

Dili Local Time is -8 utc.

73's and be atention, 4W6AL, Al is on air...

by Algarve STAR DX Team
CT1GFK, Toze


2009-08-23 15:18:34 | Weblog
from 425DX news

H4 - Mike, KM9D (H44MY) and Jan, KF4TUG (H44TO) are now lying to anchor
at Tesauma, Rennell Island (OC-127) and might be QRV soon. QSL via

9M6 by JJ2CJB in the CQ WW SSB Contest

2009-08-23 14:48:32 | Weblog
Miki, JJ2CJB (also AC2AI) will operate in the CQ WW SSB Contest (24 to 26 Oct, 2009) from Langkah Syabas Beach Resort located near the City of Kota Kinabalu, Borneo island (OC-088) East Malaysia.

Callsign may be 9M6/JJ2CJB, running 400w into a Force12 C4.

QSL will be on LoTW, e-QSL and JA bureau is OK.

Miki , JJ2CJB

T31 by NN3BQR

2009-08-22 10:15:15 | Weblog
Craig, N3BQR will be on a research trip to Central Kiribati between September 10 - 25, 2009.

Part of his research will involve Craig trying to land on at least six of the eight islands in the chain, although this is subject to local sea state / surf conditions.

Activity expected on 20m SSB using vertical and/or dipole.

QSL route to be announced.

3D2 by SP's

2009-08-22 06:02:57 | Weblog
from 425DX news

3D2 - Jacek, SP5EAQ (3D2MJ) and Jacek, SP5DRH (3D2KJ) will be active
from Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji from 1 October for four weeks. They
will operate on all bands, with an emphasis on the low bands, with
two stations using small amplifiers and vertical antennas. QSL via
home calls.

J7 by DL's

2009-08-22 05:55:08 | Weblog
from 425DX news

J7 - Lot, DJ9ZG and Babs, DL7AFS will be active as J79ZG from Dominica
(NA-101) from 27 September to 15 October. They plan to operate
RTTY, PSK and SSB on 80-6 metres. QSL via DL7AFS, direct or
bureau. Their website is at www.qsl.net/dl7afs

C6 by W's

2009-08-22 05:51:47 | Weblog
from 425DX news

C6 - Ed/K3IXD, Randy/K4QO, Pete/W2GJ and Dallas/W3PP will be active
from Crooked Island (NA-113), Bahamas on 22-26 October. They will
participate in the CQ WW DX SB Contest as C6APR (Multi-Two);
before and after the contest look for C6AQO (CW and SSB) and C6AXD
(RTTY) to be active on 160-10 metres. All QSLs via K3IXD.


2009-08-21 08:56:05 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

MOUNT ATHOS, SV/A. Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A has been active using CW
on 10 meters around 0900z. QSL direct.


2009-08-21 06:58:50 | Weblog
The FT5GA team has in hand, the flight tickets from Paris CdG to St Denis, Réunion Island airport. The departure is scheduled on September 11th and the return on October 8th.

The information about the French Forces Transall flight from Saint Denis to Grande Glorieuse will be published as soon as the FASZOI Hq will have confirmed them. (FASZOI = French Armed Forces for the South Indian Ocean Zone)

The stay on Grand Glorieuse is considered about three weeks in length.

All the gear has been picked up and is now ready packed on pallets, to be sent to Reunion island, in the next few days. Thanks especially for that to the Provins ARC, F6KOP members Serge, F6AML and Frank, F4AJQ.

Please forward and spread this information without any change.


Didier, F5OGL team leader for Gloriosos 2009


2009-08-21 06:57:33 | Weblog
The K4M team has passed two important milestones this week. First we are pleased to present our transportation to Midway on October 9th 2009. The team has chartered the G1 with the callsign N8E as shown below (picture taken on Palmyra).


Secondly, all radios, computers, antennas, coax, and the rest of the tons of gear have left Hawaii on a supply ship to Midway and will wait for the team there.

Fundraising continues on our website, www.midway2009.com . If you haven’t visited it in a while stop by and help support our effort. All pre expedition contributors who are on LOTW will receive their confirmations within a week of the end of the DXPedition.

This month we are highlighting three more team members. You can read all their history at: http://www.midway2009.com/meettheops5.html

Tom N4XP & Dave WB4JTT - Co Leaders for Midway Island 2009


2009-08-20 17:44:40 | Weblog
Allan, VK2GR using callsign P29CW will be active spare time while working with Australian Doctors International from September to December 2009. Due to the availability of power, P29CW will not be active on the many field trips during this period of operation.

Direct QSLs with US$3 or new IRCs to Tommy, VK2IR.

Please do not send QSLs to the Papua New Guinea address.

7O1YGF now Lotw

2009-08-20 17:43:05 | Weblog
The logs for 7O1YGF have now been uploaded to LoTW. Please follow this procedure if you want to
claim credit:

As with paper applications if you submitted 7O1YGF in the past and had it rejected, we will accept
an e-application via LoTW and you will not be charged a submission fee for 7O1YGF only.

Make sure you have uploaded your QSOs. DXCC cannot open and search the logs for your QSO since doing
this will not show the match that is required for a LoTW confirmation;

Access your account and begin the application process;

If you select only the 7O1YGF QSOs you will not be assessed the fees that LoTW will report back to
you. If you choose other QSOs a regular submission fee will apply;

Complete the application (all 4 parts) and DXCC will place your e-application on the list for

Special note for 7O1YGF applications ONLY: On Part 4 of the LoTW application click "Payment by mail"
This step is VERY important to assure proper handling. If you clicked on part one any QSOs other
than 7O1YGF you must make proper payment.

Again: The above is ONLY for 7O1YGF submissions. Applications with other QSOs will be handled, and
charged, as a regular submission.

DXCC will not acknowledge completion of the application. When finished, your numbers in LoTW will
reflect the completion of your e-application.

If you achieve Honor Roll or Top of the Honor Roll from this submission and you would like to order
the wall plaque, you can send me an e-mail or fax your order or send the order form by regular mail.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L

Awards Branch Manager