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Special Event station SN120

2009-08-24 18:20:24 | Weblog
from OPDX news

SN120, POLAND (Special Event). Look for special event station SN120OSP
to be active between now and October 31st. Activity will be on all bands
and modes. Operations are to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the
auxiliary fire brigade of the Polish City "Gorowo Ilaweckie". QSL via


2009-08-24 13:19:13 | Weblog
from OPDX news

HL9, SOUTH KOREA (Update/Attention PFX Hunters!). Mike, KE7WRJ, will be
here for over 2 months starting September 9th. He plans to be active as
HL9QST, September 10th, but no later than 11th. This is a rare prefix
only assigned to U.S. Service members assigned to Korea. His tentative
schedule is to operate from 4 different locations in South Korea as
follows: September 10-12th: Seoul
September 14-24th: Camp Casey
September 25th-October 18th: Camp Humphreys
October 19-29th: Camp Carroll
October 30th-November 13th: Seoul
Activity will be on 40-10 meters, depending on the propagation, using CW
and SSB. Operations will be at least 8 hours a day during the week and
longer over the weekends. Look for him to be in both the Extra and General
portions of the bands. His equipment will consist of a 5000A by Flex Radio,
a "3 element Yagi in a Bag" from Super Antennas. QSL via KE7WRJ, direct or

4W on the air

2009-08-24 06:02:40 | Weblog
4W6Al is on air now.

Al started operation today around 11 utc on 20m CW.

He worked some US, some EU and many JA's.

Antenna is a dipole and only 5 meters High, so signal will be weak sure. Next
week, Al will try better conditions.

4W6Al send me 1st day activity log, but with some error and i can not open it.
Al will be send me it again as soon as possible.
All informations on http://algarvedx.com and via our mailing list.

Dili Local Time is -8 utc.

73's and be atention, 4W6AL, Al is on air...

by Algarve STAR DX Team
CT1GFK, Toze