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2009-03-28 09:32:40 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VK9X - Haru, JA1XGI will be active as JA1XGI/VK9 from Christmas Island
(OC-002) on 4-11 April. He plans to operate CW and digital modes
on all bands. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or bureau.


2009-03-28 09:29:01 | Weblog
from OPDX news

C9, MOZAMBIQUE (Update). Members of the Texas DX Society are now active
as C91TX from Bilene, Maputo Province, until April 5th. Activity will
be on all bands 160-10 meters with 3 active stations, one station each
for CW, SSB, and the Digital modes. Antennas being used are T-8 Log-
Periodics by Tennedyne, and they will be up at about 50 feet plus. They
will also use a 40 meter 4 square (and possible 80 meter 4 square) and
a 72 foot vertical for 160/80/30 meters. The stations will be using a
Tokyo Hy-Power amp, and two IC-2KL amps. The team will participate in
the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). Operators mentioned are:
Cal/WF5W, Paul/W5PF, Madison/W5MJ, Bill/K5WAF, Dale/KG5U and Jim/N4AL.
QSL Manager for C91TX is W5PF. Depending on internet access, they hope
to have an online log search page once operations start, but don't
expect daily updates. For updates, visit the Texas DX Society C91TX
Web page at: http://www.tdxs.net/c91.html


2009-03-28 06:15:12 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VK9M - Bad weather conditions prevented the VK9GMW team (AA7JV and HA7RY)
from leaving Marion Reef for several days. Eventually
they departed for Mellish on 25 March, and reached their
destination at 6 UTC on the 27th. They hope to be on the air by 8
UTC on 28 March. QSL via HA7RY. Please bookmark www.vk9gmw.com for