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2009-02-22 07:58:55 | Weblog
Cezar, VE3LYC is planning an expedition to one of the most wanted IOTA in the world.

Fox Island - NA186



2009-02-22 07:56:33 | Weblog
From April 1th until April 12th 2009, 5Z4EME will be active from Kenya on 144 MHz moonbounce. The locator is KI79MO


2009-02-21 07:15:15 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

6W - Patrick, ON4HIL and Guido, ON4BAG will be active as 6V7P and 6V7O
from Senegal on 22-28 February. They plan to operate SSB, RTTY and
PSK31 on 160-10 metres. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.


2009-02-21 07:13:52 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

7Q - Allan, G0IAS will be active as 7Q7AH from the shack of Harry,
7Q7HB on the southern shore of Lake Malawi starting on 23 February
for one month. Being aware that Malawi is needed on Top Band, they
will try to erect an antenna for 160 metres. QSL via G0IAS, direct


2009-02-21 07:09:51 | Weblog
Operation by Dan, W0CN.

Dates: Feb 26 - Mar 9

Bands/modes: 160-6m SSB/CW/RTTY

Activity in ARRL SSB contest expected.

QSL via W0CN

VP2ETN 訂正願います

2009-02-20 22:15:00 | Weblog


V6C, V6P, V6T will be QRV soon by JA2's

2009-02-20 22:11:08 | Weblog

コールサイン訂正のお願い (JH2BNL)

2009-02-17 01:01:47

V63C, V63P and V63K also active during these dates このコールは間違えで
V6C(Chuuk ) V6P(Pohnpei ) V6T(Kosrae )
が正式なコールです (V6Kは取れませんでした)
3月のみQSLはJH2BNLが扱います それ以外の月のQSLはOPのアナウンスで請求お願い致します


2009-02-20 22:06:44 | Weblog
from DXNL news

AP - Pakistan: Three years ago Axel, DL7UPN, asked for a licence because
he visits Pakistan again and again. Now he got the call AP2ASHF
valid through June 2009. ASH stands for his initials, the "F" for
"Foreigner" - Axel Helmut Scholz Foreigner. Axel epects to be in
Pakistan several times before June and will use his TS-450 on CW, RTTY,
and PSK. QSL via DL7UPN.


2009-02-20 07:16:24 | Weblog

Stephane F5UOW will be FR/F5UOW from Boucan Canot (west coast of Reunion) from March 8 to 22.

He will be active mostly in CW on 20m - holiday style.

QSL via HC.


2009-02-19 06:45:28 | Weblog
Phil, G3SWH and Richard (Dick on CW), G3RWL will be active from Mayotte between February 26th and 5th March 2009. Mayotte counts as AF-027 for IOTA purposes.

The 2003 "Most Wanted" survey by 425 DX News shows Mayotte at #121 for DXCC purposes. We will both use the single callsign of FH/G3SWH.

Our activity will be mainly on CW on all bands 80-10 meters.

There may be some 160 metre CW activity, but this will be entirely subject to QRN, antenna space and local site conditions, so there are no promises. Richard may also operate some RTTY towards the end of the trip. Propagation permitting, we plan to have two stations on the air for as many hours every day as is possible.

Our main objective is to work as many European, North American and ROTW stations on as many bands as possible. QSL via G3SWH, either direct with SAE and adequate return postage (recommended), via Phil's web site for a bureau reply or via the

There is more information at www.g3swh.org.uk/mayotte.html

73 for now and TIA

Phil Whitchurch
Work is the curse of the drinking classes.

PY0F in june

2009-02-18 18:38:22 | Weblog
QRV between June 10 - 15, 2009

Team: PY2TNT, PY2WAS, PY2AAZ and N6OX.

Operation: 10 - 160m (First 60m transmission from Fernando de Noronha Island [PY0F] under temporary license from Brazilian government). SSB/CW

This DXpedition is sponsored by Spiderbeam Antennas, the German state-of-the-art light antennas for real DX!!

QSL info: PY2WAS – Bureau or direct.

All info can be seen at QRZ.com.

Very Best Regards,

Silvio PY2FW

V5 on the air

2009-02-18 05:25:07 | Weblog
from DXNL

Klaus,DJ4SO, is flying to Namibia again and will sign V5/DJ4SO from the
Matunda Guest Farm between Feb 15 and Mar 12. He plans to work in CW,
RTTY and PSK on 160m-10m. QSL via bureau, direct or via LoTW, no eQSLs.
For confirmation he prefers an e-mail to: klaus@dj4so.de

AU30 特別局

2009-02-17 07:08:32 | Weblog
from OPDX news

AU30, INDIA (Special Event). Dutta/VU2DSI and friends Suhas/VU2SMN,
Manju/VU2SMS and Ronald/VU2ROE will operate with special event callsign
AU30SHI between 1830z, February 21st and 1829z, February 22nd. Activity
is to commemorate the birth date of the Great Emperor Cnatrapati Shivaji
(1627-1680). Operations will be from Shivneri Hill Fort near Junnar in
Pune District, Maharashtra, India, birth place of Shivaji. Suggested
frequencies are: 7070, 14250, 14215, 21280 and 28290 kHz. QSL via VU2DSI.