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2009-02-04 07:25:00 | Weblog
from DXNL news

Willy,ON5AX, and his XYL Magda,ON3AX, are working onboard the ship "RV Professor Khromov" (Spirit of Enderby) in the Ross Sea region from Feb 9 until Mar 10.

On its way down there they will also anchor near the islands Auckland (ZL9), Campbell (ZL9) and Macquarie (VK0M).

Unfortunately they are not allowed to conduct amateur radio activities from the islands and operating as /mm does not count for the DXCC or IOTA awards. On Ross Island they have a permission to work with their battery powered radios possibly also as guest OPs from McMurdo Base.

Willy and Magda will be active as OR3AX and OR4AX in CW, SSB and PSK31 using a vertical.

Their expedition will end on Norfolk Island (OC-005) where they plan to show up as VK9N/ON5AX from Mar 15-22.

QSL cards should be sent via QSL bureau or direct to their homecalls.

Okay for DXCC

2009-02-04 07:23:01 | Weblog
The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

TT8HA – Chad

* Operations for 2007 and 2008

TT8SK – Chad

* Operations for 2008 and 2009

A5100A – Bhutan

* 2008 Operation

T6EE – Afghanistan

* Additional documentation has been received to include 2006 and 2007 operations. If you had a QSO rejected for these dates send a note to dxcc@arrl.net to be placed on the list for an update.

TN5SN – Republic Of The Congo

* Current operation effective October 2008


The following Albania operations in 2008







ZA/F4DTO – Albania

2008 Operation

Note: The URL for the DXCC blog has changed. Please point your browser to this address, also, the site has been renamed Century Club Awards Web log to reflect all ARRL awards and certificate programs.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L