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J3 by W4's

2009-02-14 08:27:54 | Weblog
from 425DX news

J3 - Bill, K4LTA (J37BO) and Ruby, K4UPS (J37RO) will be active again
from Grenada from 18 February until 4 March. Bill will participate
in the ARRL DX CW Contest as J38A. They will be joined by AK4Z,
KT4E and KE4TG, who will be QRV as J3/home call.

IOTA AF-065 by I's

2009-02-14 08:22:26 | Weblog
DXpedition to Mogador Island (Morocco) IOTA AF-065

I inform all that I am preparing a great dxpedition (9 operators) in Morocco (April 2009) to activate Mogador island (iota AF-065) on all HF, WHF, VHF, all modes (SSB, CW, M.S., RTTY, PSK31). The last activity was during the year 2002.

Calls: 5C2A, 5C2C, 5C2F, 5C2G, 5C2J, 5C2L, 5C2SG, 5C2Z & 5C2Y

QSL info - see the letter of the suffix:
A via IK2AQZ, C via IK6CAC, F via I2FUG, G via IZ7GWZ, J via IK7JWX, L via I8LWL, SG via IZ7ATN, Z via I8YGZ and Y via I0SNY.

The team are seeking sponsors and donations. Please email Alfredo (ik7jwx2003@yahoo.it) to assist.



2009-02-14 08:20:33 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

TU - Paolo, F8ENY will be active as TU/F8ENY from San Pedro, Ivory
Coast from 16 February to 2 March. He will operate mainly on 20