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V4 by DL2AAZ

2008-05-12 20:26:06 | Weblog
V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS. Reiner, DL2AAZ, will be active as V4/9H3TI from
the Island of Nevis (NA-104) between May 25th and June 15th. Activity
will be on 80-10 meters, using CW and SSB, with 100 watts to GP and
dipole antennas. QSL via DL2AAZ, direct or by the bureau.

特別局 PA143

2008-05-12 20:23:35 | Weblog
PA143, THE NETHERLANDS (Special Event). Members of the Veron Traffic
Bureau will be using the special callsign PA143ITU between May 15-30th.
Activity is to celebrate the 143th anniversary of the ITU and the "World
Telecommunication Day" which is held yearly on May 17th. Operations will
be on all HF bands on CW, SSB and some RTTY. Suggested frequencies are:
SSB - 3645, 7045, 14245, 18145, 21245, 24945 and 28445 kHz
CW - 3545, 7025, 10125, 14045, 18075, 24900 and 28045 kHz
Look for activity during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th). QSL
Manager is PA3CAL ("OK" via Bureau).


2008-05-12 20:22:18 | Weblog
KL7, ALASKA (IOTA and USI Op). Look for Michael, K6UMO, to be active as
homecall/KL7 from several Alaskan islands between September 15-20th. He
will be on a cruise ship that stops at all of these islands. He will take
an ICOM IC-703+ with him and will try to transmit from each island for
as long as the ship is in harbor (or until dinner time). Michael will
try to activate the following:
Kodiak Island (NA-019, USI AK-004S, 3rd S. Central County)
Unga Island (Not IOTA, USI AK099, 3rd S. Central County)
Unalaska Island (NA-059, USI AK005S, 3rd S. Central County)
Kiska (NA-070, USI AK197, 3rd S. Central County [Aleutians West])
Attu Island (NA-064, USI AK009S, 3rd S. Central County)
Please note: AL099 and AK197 are unqualified. QSLs will be accepted via:
USI eQSL or direct to the callbook address.


2008-05-12 20:21:31 | Weblog
JW, SVALBARD. Lars, LA5LJA, will be active as JW5LJA and JW7FJA from
Spitsbergen Island (EU-026, WLOTA LH-0125) from May 25th to June 1st.
Look for activity on all HF bands, using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL
both calls via LA5LJA, bureau preferred and also direct.