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2008-05-09 21:00:46 | Weblog
KENYA, 5Z. Steffen, 5Z4DX will be QRV from Shanzu Beach from May 14
to June 11. Activity will be on all bands and modes. He also plans
to possibly activate Wasini Island, IOTA AF 067, and Lamu Island,
IOTA AF 040, on May 25 and 26. QSL direct.


2008-05-09 20:53:19 | Weblog
DL2AAZ, Reiner, will be operating as V4/9H3TI from Nevis (NA-104) from
May 25th to June 15th. Activity will be on 10-80 meters on CW and
SSB. He'll be running 100 watts into a ground plane or dipole
antennas. QSL via DL2AAZ.


2008-05-09 20:44:06 | Weblog
QRV on 40/20m SSB from April to end June 2008 nr Kampala City, Uganda. QSL pse only to my Manager DC7NF via bureau or direct. I will answer QSL-Cards when i´m back in summer 2008 as soon as possible…..
73´ Franz - 5X7FN


2008-05-09 20:42:19 | Weblog
CG2I, IOTA : NA-128 C.IS.A. : PQ-010 GRID : FN47
CG2I will be only the second operation from Grosse-Ile, QC (PQ-010). The first operation was CI0GI in July 1990. During the 72 hours of activities, 4 operators and 2 stations, CI0GI made 7 300 QSO on CW and SSB. No 6 meters,WARC, 160 meters and digital mode contact was made during this operation.

At this time also, NA-128 was not created not more than C.IS.A. PQ-010. The only PQ-010 activation was made by CI0GI. The complete SSB and a partial CW logs are still in hand. If somebody need a confirmation for this IOTA, C.IS.A, a new prefix or had never received is QSL at this time, send your request to the QSL manager (email) and we’ll try to response to your request.

This time, all modes and bands (6-160 m), if propagation is there, will be worked by the 4 operators. The members of the team will be VA2RC François (VO2/VA2RC Zone 2, NA-077), VE2QRA Guy (NA-128, NA-077), VE2TKH Steve (CY9SS NA-094, VO2ZT Zone 2 , VY0ICE NA-047) and VE2EBK Dany (CI0GI, NA-128).The 2 stations (KW, beams and dipoles) should be active at the same time. The operations should start around 16:00Z July 25 to finished around 14:00 July 27 due to transportation schedule on the island. During the IOTA Contest, a station will be dedicated to the contest exclusively. The operators are invited by the administration of the National Park but they have some restrictions to follow.
We like to thank in advance the administration of the national site of Grosse-Ile for their hospitality and cooperation in this activity.
NOTE: For the Government of Canada, Grosse-Ile has the same status than St-Paul Is. (CY9) and Sable Is. (CY0) but not for ARRL.