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BS7H 無事に帰港

2007-05-08 23:33:39 | Weblog

The BS7H team have made it back safely from their Scarborough Reef
DXpedition. K4UJ, Paul Pescitelli, says "The team had a wonderful
time and is now very tired and weary". You can see two videos posted
on YouTube by DU1EV, Eddie, at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXXi6WDMqGQ and

HL7 特別プリフィクス

2007-05-08 19:11:41 | Weblog

HL7, SOUTH KOREA (Attention PFX Hunters!). Kim, DS5SWL, informs OPDX
that the "HL7" is a new prefix being used now on the air for the first
time in South Korea. Look for special event station HL7WR to be active
to celebrate the 2007 World Rafting Championship held in Sangdong-Ri,
Inje, South Korea. The event will be held from June 27th to July 2nd.
The special event station has been active since March 30th and will be
on the air for 95 days until July 2nd. Activity will be on 80-6 meters,
SSB, CW, FM and the digital modes. QSNs show activity has been on 40
and 17 meters over the past weeks. QSL via the manager, DS2UAL, direct
or by the bureau. For details on the 2007 World Rafting Championship,
visit: http://www.2007wrc.com


2007-05-08 19:06:56 | Weblog

Slavko, S57DX made about 18,000 QSOs (many of them on the low
and WARC bands) during his activity from Sudan, between 3 January and 17
April. "Maybe the total number of QSOs is not very high", he says, "but all
contacts were made with 100 W and almost all of them with simple wire
antenna". The QSL cards are being printed, then Slavko will process the
direct requests received so far. Direct requests received without return
postage or with old IRCs will be answered via the bureau.