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BS7H QRTは6日09:00JST

2007-05-03 19:18:46 | Weblog
The Scarborough Reef DXpedition will "cease at 00:00 UTC 6 May 2007".
So you have just over 2 more days of expected activity.
Plans are to continue to have two stations on 20 meters around the clock.
This should help those still looking for their first QSO with the most
wanted DXCC Entity.

BS7H もしかすると80・160 QRVあるかも?

2007-05-03 19:00:46 | Weblog

Report from the rocks 14:00 2 May

All 4 stations on 4 separate rocks are in full operating mode. Two stations
remain dedicated to 20 meters and will stay there for the duration to ensure
everyone has a shot of at least one Q.

The weather has gone downhill a bit with occasional showers and constant 30
mph winds. See this link for the latest weather over the area and notice
all the T storms.


Their QRN on 40 and 30 is bad and preventing them from hearing most of the
stateside signals on 30 and 40.

The winds are also preventing the launching of the helium filled weather
balloon with the 80/160 antenna. They will try again tomorrow.

It is now taking almost 1 1/2 hours to do the crew shift changes because of
the wind induced spray and slippery conditions (not to mention there are now
4 operating sites around the reef).

N4XP and N1DG for the 2007 Scarborough Reef team.


2007-05-03 02:47:42 | Weblog

SCARBOROUGH REEF - The team now has four stations set
up on four different rocks. As of yesterday each
station is now running with 800 watt amps. Activity
has been on 10 through 40 meters. They are having
problems with QRN on the low bands because of the local
WX. You can see the WX map at