英英辞典と戯れよう Part20
今日は[ T ]の単語ですね。早速いきましょう。
1. a pieace of equipment like a long tube that you use to look at things that are far away
2. how hot or cold something is: The ___________ drops at night to 2 ℃.
3. if you have a ______ to do something, you often do it: He has a _______ to shout.
4. very bad: I have a ________ headache. / a ________ accident.
5. the treatment of mental or physical illness without using drugs or operations: She's having _______ to help with her fear of birds.
6. the regular movement of the sea as it comes up to cover the land and goes down away from the land
7. the business of buying and selling things, especially between countries: Last year we increased our _____ with Saudi Arabia.
8. a long line of cars etc on the road. moving very slowly
9. to move someone or something from one place to another / the ________ of money between bank acounts
10. something that people do to show how much they admire and respect someone: The concert was arranged as a _______ to the queen on her birthday.
(1-10: Longman Wordwise Dictionary[LWD]より引用)
℃:degrees Celsius(セルシウス)摂氏~度
drugs or operations:薬や手術
admire and respect:称賛と尊敬
[Answer] >>>[・・・]:例文 LWDより
1. telescope:望遠鏡
2. temperature:温度、気温 >>>[Cheak the temperature of the water before you get into the bath.]
3. tendency:傾向、性癖
4. terrible:ひどい、おそろしい、つらい >>>[This is a terrible tragedy.] ※tragedy:惨事、悲劇
5. therapy:セラピー
6. tide:潮(の満ち引き) >>>[The tide is coming in (=towars the land) / You can walk to the island at low tide.]
7. trade:取引、売買、貿易 >>>[There has been an increase in trade between the two countries.]
8. traffic jam:交通渋滞 >>>[We got stuck in the traffic jam.]
9. transfer:振り替え、乗り換え >>>[They are transferring him to another hospital.]
10. tribute:記念、捧げ物
今日は[ T ]の単語ですね。早速いきましょう。
1. a pieace of equipment like a long tube that you use to look at things that are far away
2. how hot or cold something is: The ___________ drops at night to 2 ℃.
3. if you have a ______ to do something, you often do it: He has a _______ to shout.
4. very bad: I have a ________ headache. / a ________ accident.
5. the treatment of mental or physical illness without using drugs or operations: She's having _______ to help with her fear of birds.
6. the regular movement of the sea as it comes up to cover the land and goes down away from the land
7. the business of buying and selling things, especially between countries: Last year we increased our _____ with Saudi Arabia.
8. a long line of cars etc on the road. moving very slowly
9. to move someone or something from one place to another / the ________ of money between bank acounts
10. something that people do to show how much they admire and respect someone: The concert was arranged as a _______ to the queen on her birthday.
(1-10: Longman Wordwise Dictionary[LWD]より引用)
℃:degrees Celsius(セルシウス)摂氏~度
drugs or operations:薬や手術
admire and respect:称賛と尊敬
[Answer] >>>[・・・]:例文 LWDより
1. telescope:望遠鏡
2. temperature:温度、気温 >>>[Cheak the temperature of the water before you get into the bath.]
3. tendency:傾向、性癖
4. terrible:ひどい、おそろしい、つらい >>>[This is a terrible tragedy.] ※tragedy:惨事、悲劇
5. therapy:セラピー
6. tide:潮(の満ち引き) >>>[The tide is coming in (=towars the land) / You can walk to the island at low tide.]
7. trade:取引、売買、貿易 >>>[There has been an increase in trade between the two countries.]
8. traffic jam:交通渋滞 >>>[We got stuck in the traffic jam.]
9. transfer:振り替え、乗り換え >>>[They are transferring him to another hospital.]
10. tribute:記念、捧げ物