With the I Ching


英英辞典と戯れよう Part18

2008-09-21 21:52:30 | 英英辞典でクイズ!
・・・って、「戻ってきた」?……おお、そういえば今回は[ R ]の単語でした!




1. to get something that is given or sent to you: you should _______ the package by Saturday.
2. to make the amount or size of something less than it was before: We had to ______ the price of our house in order to sell it.
3. to stop yourself from doing something: She politely ______ed from saying what she really thought.
4. to say firmly that you will not do something: I asked Steve to help me, but he ______d.
5. if you ______ something, you feel sorry that you did it and wish you had not done it: I really ______ leaving school so young.
6-1. to stay in the same place, or position: I decided to ______ at home.
6-2. to contnue to do something: Children can't ______ quiet(=continue to be quiet) for long.
7. to answer: "Yes, that's true," she _____ed. / He didi'nt _____ to my question.
8. to need something: Pets _______ a lot of care.
9. to keep something for a particular purpose: This parking area has been ______ed for buses.
10. to come back or go back to a place / to give or send something back to someone
(1-10: Longman Wordwise Dictionary[LWD]より引用)


[Answer] >>>[・・・]:例文 LWDより
1. receive 受け取る >>>[I received a letter from my aunt.]
2. reduce 減らす >>>[The number of employees has been reduced from 30 to only 22.]
3. refrain 控える、慎む、我慢する
4. refuse 拒否する >>>[Carl absolutely refuses to eat vegetables.]
5. regret 後悔する、残念に思う >>>[I now regret that I didin't travel more when I was younger.]
6. remain 待機する、保留にする、残る >>>[Please remain seated(=stay sitting down).]
7. reply 応答する、答える >>>[I asked George whether he enjoyed the film, and he replied that he found it disappointing.]
8. require 求める、必要とする >>>[The law requires all drivers to wear seatbelts.]
9. reserve とっておく、予約する ※形容詞はreservedで、とっておきの、遠慮がち・控えめな、という意味。
10. return リターン、戻る・帰る・返る >>>[He returned home just after midnight. / The letter was returned to me without being opened.]



以前にも書きましたが、今月の24日から水星の逆行(retrograde motion)が始まります。期間は約3週間です。(「retro」で「後ろ」という意味。日本語でも「レトロ」っていいますよね。)

2008年09月24日 逆行開始
2008年10月17日 順行開始(※逆行が終わった翌日)



