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2020-10-11 18:12:58 | 日記














The U.S. Spent Billions of Dollars on Biodefense. COVID-19 Was the Attack it Never Saw Coming

Members of a U.S. Marine Corps' Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force demonstrate anthrax clean-up techniques in Washington.
Kenneth Lambert—AP
OCTOBER 9, 2020 1:28 PM EDT
Atop high-rise government buildings and inside critical military installations across the country, you’ll find high-tech sensor systems installed to sniff the air in search of any hint of dangerous bacteria, viruses or toxins that might be dispersed in an airborne attack. The detection devices, part of a multi-faceted $100 billion federal effort to bolster the nation’s biological defenses, were installed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

None of them, however, saw the coronavirus coming. Despite the piles of money, gee-whiz gadgetry and high-minded strategy that’s been thrown at the biodefense effort in the last 20 years, officials in the highest reaches of the U.S. government and military have found themselves hobbled by a deadly disease that has been passed around at federal locations with the highest security protocols. It’s a plot line that America’s adversaries could only dream of — and a red flag that U.S. government and military remain vulnerable to biological threats, whether they are natural, accidental or intentional.

The Pentagon confirmed Wednesday that Gen. Gary Thomas, the Marine Corps’ No. 2 officer, became the second four-star military officer tested positive for COVID-19. Thomas was one of several senior officers present last week at a Pentagon meeting with Adm. Charles Ray, the Coast Guard’s No. 2 officer. Ray tested positive Monday after attending a Sept. 27 reception at the White House in honor of military families.

The remaining seven officers who attended the meeting with Ray have thus far tested negative and show no signs of COVID-19 symptoms, but they remain in self-quarantine, according to Pentagon spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman. “We will continue to follow CDC guidance for self-quarantining and contact tracing,” Hoffman said.

The infections follow the revelations that President Donald Trump and more than a dozen high-ranking officials, including three Republican Senators, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee and Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, have all tested positive.

The irony of the debacle, which experts say poses a risk to U.S. national security, is that the chain-reaction would’ve been blunted if people had worn a $1 surgeon’s mask, says Chuck Hagel, a former U.S. Defense Secretary and Republican Senator from Nebraska. Trump has “politicized this virus,” Hagel tells TIME. “If you wear a mask or don’t wear a mask, it’s a political statement because the President has made it that way. Now we’re seeing a price is being paid by some of his senior staff.”

The White House’s careless behavior that may have exposed senior Pentagon leaders to the virus shows how vulnerable they could be to a biological weapons attack by U.S. adversaries, says Andy Weber, former assistant secretary of Defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs in the Obama Administration. “If a natural virus can do this, imagine what a deliberate attack would do?” he says. The biological agents used as weapons, he notes, are both “faster acting and more lethal than coronavirus.”

The Pentagon has a system of sensors, so-called Triggered Cellular Analysis and Notification of Antigen Risks and Yields, or TCANARY, that are arrayed inside buildings to detect releases of weapons like ricin, anthrax, Ebola, and other lesser known agents, simply identified by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as “material threats.”

But they are not calibrated to look for a naturally occurring virus, says Weber. The developments of the last week have made it evident that’s a shortcoming. “It’s not enough to focus on a list of known threat agents. We have to look also at natural diseases too that could be quickly delivered,” he says.

It’s not like the U.S. government hasn’t been throwing money at the problem. Over the past two decades, the U.S. spent at least $100 billion on biodefense and biosecurity, says Crystal Watson, a former DHS program manager for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear terrorism risk assessment. It’s difficult to say exactly how much has been spent over the years because the funding is peppered across a handful of federal agencies, and the government doesn’t track it.

The only organization that has kept an eye on the money on an annual basis is Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, where Watson is now a senior scholar. The money has often been spent on newfangled technology and systems, but the U.S. government — over multiple administrations — hasn’t prioritized pandemic preparedness, Watson says. Typically, the flow of funding for hospitals and public health departments only comes after a crisis has started. “What we’re seeing now is that the underlying infrastructure of our public health system really needs to be bolstered,” she says.

The warning signs that America was unprepared for a pandemic have been blinking red for more than a decade, as Congressional hearings, table-top exercises and think-tank studies showed that the U.S. healthcare system wasn’t ready. The disease has now killed more than 212,000 Americans and sickened millions more, including the President of the United States. The pandemic has compelled quarantines and lockdowns and effectively erased all economic growth of the past two years.

“Certainly, COVID has had a great impact like a bioweapon, in terms of the disruption of daily life, impact on leadership and economy,” says Mark G. Kortepeter, a retired Army colonel who served as deputy commander of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md. “It has had a greater impact than we saw with an actual release of a bioweapon like anthrax.”

The U.S. government has long managed the risk of biological threats, whether naturally occurring diseases, accidents involving dangerous pathogens, or deliberate attacks using biological agents.

In the 2001 deadly anthrax attacks, five Americans were killed and more than a dozen fell ill after a deadly bacteria was circulated in letters in the U.S. postal system.

The incident showed the need to coordinate prevention and response activities to these kinds of events, says Daniel Gerstein, former deputy undersecretary for science and technology at DHS who’s now a senior policy researcher with the think tank Rand Corp.

“A lot of the diseases we worried about are not just biological weapons,” he says. “But we’ve never had our hands around COVID-19. And we’ve never really been able to deal with it.”

In 2014, the U.S. government convened a bipartisan Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense to study ways to improve America’s biodefense. The panel, chaired by Tom Ridge, the nation’s first DHS secretary and Joe Lieberman, a former Democratic Senator from Connecticut, found that biological threats—whether they occur naturally, accidentally or intentionally—had the potential to cause mass loss of life and unrelenting damage to the economy, societal stability, and global security. In 2016, they issued 87 recommendations to the Trump Administration for improving America’s biodefense.

“The government spends billions of taxpayer dollars every year on programs that may — or may not — work to prevent biological catastrophe,” they wrote in a 2018 op-ed published by The Hill. “No one really knows how much we spend, or whether the multitude of efforts are effective or wasteful.”

Lieberman and Ridge called on Trump to streamline and coordinate government efforts before the nation was blindsided. “Some of the biggest threats to the nation come from the smallest organisms on the planet,” they wrote. “Money spent strategically now could save millions of lives and billions of dollars in the long term.”

Later that same year, Trump disbanded a National Security Council unit focused on pandemic preparedness, which critics say left a leadership vacuum in global health security at the White House that to this day remains unfilled.
—With reporting by Kim Dozier/Washington







実際にこれはTHE HILLというワシントンの議会に関するメディアなんですけれども、議会で今回、特に共和党の議員を中心に感染者が拡がったので、国防総省が緊急に追跡調査を始めたという内容なんです。

Pentagon scrambles to retrace steps after White House COVID-19 outbreak

© Greg Nash
The Pentagon is retracing the steps of its top brass after a positive coronavirus case among senior officials forced Defense Department heads into quarantine.

News of Coast Guard Vice Commandant Adm. Charles Ray testing positive, which came after he attended a Sept. 27 White House event, broke after Ray had met with several other senior leaders at the Pentagon last week.

The Defense Department has since raced to conduct contact tracing, highlighting the stark difference between the Pentagon and White House, where administration officials have been reluctant to reveal key timeline details after President Trump and top aides tested positive.

“Simply because it is such a threat to readiness and can disable a ship, a building, a base, they take this very seriously,” Steve Morrison, a public health expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said of the Pentagon’s response.

“It didn’t seem they were looking to be micromanaged by anyone, they sort of kicked in to gear,” he added.

Top Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said Tuesday that the Pentagon is “conducting additional contact tracing and taking appropriate precautions to protect the force and the mission.”

Asked for specifics regarding its contact tracing and what additional precautions are being taken, a Pentagon spokesperson would only say that the department "follows CDC guidelines for contact tracing, as well as guidance from state and local public health officials."

Hoffman said Tuesday that all potential close contacts from the meetings involving Ray “are self-quarantining and have been tested.”

(※ 文字数の関係で以下省略)















Chinese virus whistleblower who fled to US insists she has evidence Covid-19 is man-made.
Chinese whistle-blower and a former scientist at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, Li Meng-Yan, who is seeking asylum in the US, has vowed to publish evidence proving that Covid-19 is a man-made virus synthesized in the labs of China.

Dr Li appeared on ‘Loose Women’ a show on ITV from a secret location, and said that reports that Covid-19 originated at a wet market in Wuhan was a 'smokescreen', and revealed her plans to publish a report revealing the virus is manmade.

“The first thing is the meat market in Wuhan is a smokescreen and this virus is not from nature. It comes from the lab in Wuhan.”

Dr Li added that the genome sequence of Covid-19 specimen was like a human fingerprint.

"Based on this you can identify these things. I will use this evidence to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the ones who made it.”

Dr Li claimed that the evidence she was going to provide would easily be understood by any layman with a basic knowledge of Biology.

"Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, will be able to read it, and check and identify and verify it yourself."




その証拠というのを揃えて、新たな論文を書かれました。それがつい最近10月になってから発表されたんんですね。これはNational Plusというアメリカの保守系の、割とアカデミックな論説のサイトなんです。



SARS-COV-2 is an unrestricted Bioweapon. A truth revealed through uncovering a Large-Scale Organized Scientific Fraud.
October 8, 2020Working paper Open Access
Yan, Li-Meng; Kang, Shu; Guan, Jie; Hu, Shanchang

Two possibilities should be considered for the origin of SARS-CoV-2: natural evolution or laboratory creation. In our earlier report titled “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route”, we disproved the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 arising naturally through evolution and instead proved that SARS-CoV-2 must have been a product of laboratory modification.

Despite this and similar efforts, the laboratory creation theory continues to be downplayed or even diminished.

This is fundamentally because the natural origin theory remains supported by several novel coronaviruses published after the start of the outbreak.

These viruses (the RaTG13 bat coronavirus, a series of pangolin coronaviruses, and the RmYN02 bat coronavirus) reportedly share high sequence homology with SARS-CoV-2 and have altogether constructed a seemingly plausible pathway for the natural evolution of SARS-CoV-2.

Here, however, we use in-depth analyses of the available data and literature to prove that these novel animal coronaviruses do not exist in nature and their sequences have been fabricated.

In addition, we also offer our insights on the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 may have originated naturally from a coronavirus that infected the Mojiang miners.

Revelation of these virus fabrications renders the natural origin theory unfounded. It also strengthens our earlier assertion that SARS-CoV-2 is a product of laboratory modification, which can be created in approximately six months using a template virus owned by a laboratory of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

The fact that data fabrications were used to cover up the true origin of SARS-CoV-2 further implicates that the laboratory modification here is beyond simple gain-of-function research.

The scale and the coordinated nature of this scientific fraud signifies the degree of corruption in the fields of academic research and public health.



トムコットン・アメリカ上院議員です。このトムコットン議員が2月にフォックスニュースのインタビューで、初めてこの事を言いました。これはBio Weaponだという事を言ったんです。これがフォックスで出たんですけど、もう、アメリカの主流メディアから徹底的に批判を受けました…っていうか嘲笑を受けたんですね。






October 6, 2020

Who targeted the president?
By Sally Zelikovsky
I always trust my gut. Litigators and trial attorneys tend to do that. When things don't make sense or add up but you don't have a smoking gun, you start nosing around with questioning and investigating to see if your hunch pans out.

Obviously, I don't have any proof that the recent COVID-19 infections of POTUS and FLOTUS, several Republican senators, and people working on his campaign and in his administration are truly random events or something planned, but it doesn't pass the "random cluster of infections" smell test.

Come on, admit it. You are all thinking it, too. I'm sure that, like me, you spent the weekend texting friends about your suspicions.

YouTube screen grab (cropped).

The virus appears to have targeted Republicans only and left Democrats unscathed.

Democrats are trying to characterize this as a Rose Garden or debate super-spreader — even though plenty of Democrats and Biden-supporters were at the debate and likely interacted with Republicans after the Amy Coney Barrett ceremony.

They argue that, as avid wearers of the mask, they are shielded from Republicans bearing COVID.

But if masks were ironclad, we'd all be immune. People can still contract the disease in spite of masks, hand-washing, and social distancing — which are only preventive measures that minimize risk.

It is odd that in a town as small as Washington, D.C., only Republicans took the hit.

The timing is a second factor. Key Republicans fell ill after the Barrett announcement, the debate, and Comey's flaccid testimony, and now we are full-blown into October — the final leg of the campaign.

We have Radcliffe's damning evidence that Obama, Comey, and Brennan were aware of Hillary Clinton's intent to frame Trump of colluding with Russia, and suddenly, Andy McCabe cannot do a Zoom appearance in the Senate under the pretext of fearing for his family's safety from contracting COVID.

Schumer, on cue, demands the cancelation of the Barrett hearings — all or part of which can be done remotely to prevent COVID spread. Moreover, Hidin' Biden comes out of seclusion and hops on more planes in the last few days, flying to Michigan and Florida, than he has flown for most of September, when he made a only few local appearances in Delaware and Pennsylvania, flew to Cleveland for the debate, called lids on half the days in September, and did a post-debate lame train tour where he interacted with few supporters.

Yet Donald Trump, who, up until contracting the WuFlu, was doing back-to-back rallies in battleground states with overwhelming support from adoring audiences in the thousands, is suddenly relegated to Biden-style videos, seclusion, and waving from cars.

This is like being in a cage for someone who is as gregarious as Trump, who loves interacting with Americans.

One would think that Biden, at his age and with his vulnerabilities, would be even more cautious and reluctant to travel and interact with voters in the last weeks of the campaign — especially after a potentially close encounter with the virus during the debates and seeing what it did to the president.

And yet, as soon as Trump is sidelined, Biden is hopping on planes without a care in the world.

Finally, there is the fact that the most protected man in the universe, who has insisted on serving and interacting with the people despite the pandemic, refused to hover in an isolated bunker and managed to escape infection for seven months, suddenly gets a direct hit...again, in the final weeks of his campaign, interrupting the one thing the Biden campaign cannot generate: a succession of popular rallies.

We know that the transmission could have resulted from a lapse in procedure; after all, those who protect and interact with the president are only human.

But in an administration where enemies are constantly undermining the president, it doesn't strain an iota of credulity to wonder if those same nefarious forces didn't weaponize the virus and directly expose the president to it or use someone like Hope Hicks as a COVID bullet.

They've tried to impeach and remove him, force him to resign, discredit him, undermine his accomplishments, embarrass and ridicule him; they've wished him dead umpteen times; they've relentlessly threatened his life; and they've been clear they don't care about his family or his health.

Why not use the virus to their advantage? While his security detail is adept at thwarting plots involving cars, guns, planes, bombs, and other visible weapons, there are myriad ways a virus can find its way to our president and other administration officials.

After seven months, it did — a month before the election, as he was ramping up his successful airport hangar rallies. It's too perfect to be mere happenstance.

With a little contact tracing and sleuthing, I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that this was an arrow in someone's quiver and a doozy of an October surprise.

I always trust my gut. Litigators and trial attorneys tend to do that.

When things don't make sense or add up but you don't have a smoking gun, you start nosing around with questioning and investigating to see if your hunch pans out.

Obviously, I don't have any proof that the recent COVID-19 infections of POTUS and FLOTUS, several Republican senators, and people working on his campaign and in his administration are truly random events or something planned, but it doesn't pass the "random cluster of infections" smell test.

Come on, admit it. You are all thinking it, too. I'm sure that, like me, you spent the weekend texting friends about your suspicions.

実際にこれはAmerican Thikerというアメリカの保守系の論説のサイトです。此処でですね、Sally Zelikovskyというサンフランシスコの元はティーパーティーをやってた方ですねぇ。サンフランシスコの保守系の活動家であって、法律が専門なんでしょうけど、こういうアメリカのメディアで、論説をいつも書かれている方。この方が、今回のワシントンでの集団感染について記事を書かれています。






