

Hon Paul Hellyer's Interview with TV, Alien life forms present among us.

2014-01-04 13:52:48 | 日記
632 Hon Paul Hellyer’s Statement and an Interview on TV

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
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Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Jan.04th, 2014
Hiroshi Hayashi

クレアモント,UFO,SETI,Scout ships,元カナダ防衛大臣,Paul Hellyer.,Charles Hall,Millennial Hospitality,TallWhite,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,はやし浩司,Former Minister ,Defence Force,Canada,Oval UFO,Sphere UFO,トールホワイト,ET,Alien,USA,国防大臣,カナダ国防大臣,Hon Paul Hellyer,

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

○「Tall White(ノッポの白人)」と呼ばれるエイリアンの話。
ETs named “Tall White

○Salient Characteristics of the Tall White ETs

Hall has described these beings as tall - ranging upwards of 6-7 feet in height - and quite thin and frail.



The skin color is chalk white. They are physically different from us in several noticeable ways, yet the most important physical aspect is that they are humanoid, a fact that is filled with significance.


Their life span is about ten times ours. They do not age as we do, but after around 400 earth years' time they undergo a second stage of growth, eventually reaching around nine feet in height.


They die of organ failure at an age of approximately 800 years. According to exbiologists, extraterrestrials are not supposed to resemble us, as they should have developed independently via natural selection with randomness and varying environments leading to innumerable "genetic" paths.


On the other hand, some scientists speculate that there will be resemblances due to the universal utility of various aspects of the human form (i.e., what's good for us should be good for everyone).


Meanwhile, a number of encounters known in the "UFO" field are with entities that can look quite human - so much so that a deep connection simply has to exist. The present case is one of these.


The Tall Whites have a physical form similar to ours in all gross aspects. That is, they are upright bipedal vertebrates; they have human-like faces, etc. With suitable clothing, they can and do pass as humans during well-guarded forays into Las Vegas.


They have the faculty of speech, but some of their speech sounds are outside the audible spectrum for humans. In other words, we can't hear the sounds.


Normal speech sounds “like a dog barking or a meadowlark singing”. However, some Tall Whites can mimic human speech and in fact carry on normal conversations with humans.


Some have demonstrated an ability to imitate specific humans so well that the imitation cannot be detected when used over a telephone.


They also can use a device that projects speech so that it is heard by humans within their head. This works only over a short range (several feet) and requires the human to turn the head sideways to the Tall White.


The device is also a language translator. According to its settings from time to time, Hall was occasionally able to overhear Tall Whites conversing among themselves as though they were speaking English.


As stated, there was a pattern of confrontations with our personnel, in which panic led to injury and death of our soldiers. These beings are all well-armed, and they can and do kill, sometimes at the tiniest provocation.


They react and move much more rapidly than humans can, so if they decide you have threatened them, you may be cut down and bleeding out without having even been warned.


Every Tall White adult carries a pencil-like weapon that can be set to stun, kill, immobilize, or "hypnotize" humans. It can also administer severe pain, and they frequently use it to discipline people who act in ways that annoy, frighten, or endanger them.


The weapon's actions and effects are accomplished by varying the frequency of focused microwaves to interact with specific ions in the human body.


Although they can be friendly, they are at times arrogant and insulting. They appear to be sensitive to our social structures (i.e., classes), for example cultivating relations with high-ranking military officials, some of whom were often seen working with them, while holding lesser-ranking persons in disdain.

Hall got along with them by letting them treat him as their "pet", a term they used in his presence.


In time, the term "Teacher's Pet" became Hall's code name that was respected among the ETs and the ranking military who were aware of his activities.

He was selected by "both governments" to function as the point man in a pilot program to explore paths of cultural acclimatization between the tall whites and ourselves.


Because of everyone's tendency to panic, and the ETs to strike with their weapons, Hall was awarded commendations for the rare bravery that he exhibited during this period.


The Tall White group at Nellis have family structures, not unlike our extended families. They often point out family members – uncles and cousins, etc., - who are living and working with them on the Nellis Base.


They seem to care greatly for their children, who are growing up and being educated out there in the sagebrush.


They have what we would call serious issues over "control". They felt the need to control their pet, just as they observed us controlling ours.


In all our fantasies of extraterrestrial contact, we probably never imagined it would be like this. They are altogether too much like ourselves for our own comfort. Is that cause to doubt the authenticity of the story? Beware of that logic.


This aspect - that the Tall Whites deport themselves much as we would when establishing a small base with family quarters in the midst of a hostile land - deserves much more discussion.


The point has natural interfaces with other pages in Open SETI and will connect to the Open SETI paradigm at several levels. This will be addressed over time. (See Open SETI At A Glance and also Search Engine Results for "paradigm".)

つまり私が言いたいことは、Open SETIがほかで書いていることを、よく読み、いくつかの段階において、Open SETIの解決策と関係しているということ。(Open SETI At A Glanceを開くか、「パラダイム」を検索してみてほしい。)

Origin of the Tall Whites


A ripple of emotion passed through the crowd when I mentioned the star Arcturus, some 36 light years away. After a short pause, the older lady asked with some surprise, "Teacher, does Charlie know where we come from?"


The Teacher replied, "No, not quite, but he is close. "When asked where they came from, they would usually evade the question by reminding him that he would not recognize the name of the place if he heard them speak it.


This is disingenuous as they well knew that we had our own names for many celestial objects and they could use them as well as they could communicate anything else in English to Hall.


Typically they would laugh among themselves (in their barking way) whenever they threw this response to Charles -- their little joke on him. Charles wisely refrained from protesting.


In fact, they treated such topics as being what we would call "sensitive". However, Hall, via the telepathic link they often established with him, was able to perceive that the star Arcturus or something close to Arcturus is very important to them.


Their ultimate home may be somewhere else. In recent correspondence, Hall stated:


I was never able to determine which star the tall whites called their home star. However, my best guess was a star that is roughly 105 light years away.


Hall's "best guess" was most likely an excellent guess, as he had been able to figure out their route transit times from very careful observations of the different craft and their schedules.


The date of their establishing the present Earth base location is ambiguous. Hall received mental imagery suggesting they knew the area prior to the arrival of European-Americans.


Furthermore, one of them suggested she had arrived here during the administration of our President Madison. However the various bunkers and interior spaces that Hall observed looked as though they had been built for the Tall Whites by U.S. construction firms sometime in the 1950s.

さらに言えば、ノッポの白人の中のひとりは、マディソン大統領時代に、ここへ(Indian Springs Valleyへ)やってきたというようなことを暗示したという。しかしHall氏が見た感じでは、ノッポの白人たちの避難地や(地下内部の)部屋は、ノッポの白人のために、US政府が、1950年代のいつか、建設会社を使って作られたかのように見えたという。

Hall was led to believe that they use their Earth base as a sort of waystation along lengthy interstellar travel routes, as though this were the only intermediate station for them.


As Hall puts it, our solar system lies in the middle of a large open space that the Tall Whites must traverse between their home location and a certain distant destination.


But a glance at a table of distances to the closest stars from our system puts that explanation in some question.


The Nearest Stars
distance name

4.22 Proxima Centauri
4.35 Alpha Centauri
5.91 Barnard's Star
7.70 Wolf 359
8.20 BD+36.2147
8.40 L-726-8A
8.60 Sirius-A
8.60 Sirius-B
9.40 Ross 154
10.40 Ross 248
10.80 Epsilon Eridani
10.90 Ross 128
11.10 61 Cygni


The Tall Whites obviously possess highly-advanced technology.


Hall confined his descriptions of their technology to brief discussions of their deep space craft, the scout craft used for ravel near the earth's surface and around the solar system, a weapon that they always carried, and special suits that afforded them limited levitation and also a defensive force field.


Brief descriptions of the deep space and scout crafts are scattered throughout Millennial Hospitality. From those descriptions and some private communication with Charles Hall, simple details of the two types of craft have been provided in the following table and figure.

彼らの2種類の宇宙船については、私たちの団体(Millennial Hospitality)を通して、配布されている。これらの内容とHall氏との連絡の中で、それらは、おおよそ、つぎの表に示されたようなものである。


Hall also was able to catch at least a glimpse of a scout ship's propulsion system, which appears to be based on “fiber optic coils” with a very large number of windings. From his observations of this system, Hall developed a physics theory that could describe its mode of operation.


The deep space ships were capable of faster-than-light travel, and could take the ETs to their home star system within two or three months' time.


The scout ships, surprisingly, were assembled here on Earth with components provided by humans for the ETs according to their specifications.

From an interview with Michael Salla:

In book two I describe the afternoon when The Teacher and Range Four Harry were showing me the inside of one of the scout craft.


Many of the items, such as the seats and the overhead compartments, still carried the mold markings placed on them by various American industries such as Boeing aircraft and Lockheed corporation.


The overhead compartments were obviously "off-the-shelf" items from companies such as Airstream corporation. Many of the clothing items that the tall whites were wearing were obviously purchased straight out of the Sears and Montgomery Wards Catalogs.

頭部用部品は、明らかに取り外しができるもので、エアーストリーム社のような会社からのものでした。またノッポの白人たちが着ているような衣服については、Sears社や、Montgomery Wards Catalogs社から直接購入していました。

Yet these craft were capable of what appeared to be gravity-free and massless operations and could accelerate to superluminal speeds. They were not as reliable in operation as the aliens would have wished.


Hall noted a very important limitation of the propulsion system used in these ships: its tendency to overheat, threatening the integrity of its fiber optic coils.



【Hiroshi Hayashi******Jan. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】
