今日はイースター、日本語では復活祭。イエス様が亡くなられて3日目に復活したことを祝う日。朝10時ごろまだ寝ていると家族3人総出で起こしに来てくれてイースターエッグやらいろいろプレゼントをもらった。(本来イースターエッグは子供にあげるもののはず・・中身はおもちゃ。)ママは今までゲスト用のを使ってた私にマグカップをくれた。はしゃいでそれでお茶を飲んでいるとニッキーとクリスとジャズが到着。ハッピーイースターと挨拶をしあったあと私はゾーイ(8歳)とジャズ(5歳)の間に座らせてもらってみんなでランチ。メインはラムの煮込んだのでデザートはフォゴッラとチーズケーキとプディング。 熱心なクリスチャンの家庭はこの日教会に行ったりするらしいけど、ここの一家はそうではなくファミリーで楽しく過ごすという印象をうけたイースターだった。
It is Easter today. A day to celebrate that Jesus dies and revived on the third day.
I was still sleeping at about 10:00 a.m. when mom, steph and Zoe three of them together came to wake me upand they gave me Easter eggs and so on. Mom gave a mug cup for me who used a cup for guest so far. I was in high spirits and having tea with it, then Nicky, Chris and Jaz arrived. After having said Happy Easter, I sit down between Zoe(8 years old) and Jaz (5 years old) and we had lunch together. The main was stew of the lamb, dessert is figgolla and cheesecake and pudding.
Apparently earnest Christian families seem to go to church on this day, this family is different. I felt that they cherish to spend a happy time with family on Easter day.
It is Easter today. A day to celebrate that Jesus dies and revived on the third day.
I was still sleeping at about 10:00 a.m. when mom, steph and Zoe three of them together came to wake me upand they gave me Easter eggs and so on. Mom gave a mug cup for me who used a cup for guest so far. I was in high spirits and having tea with it, then Nicky, Chris and Jaz arrived. After having said Happy Easter, I sit down between Zoe(8 years old) and Jaz (5 years old) and we had lunch together. The main was stew of the lamb, dessert is figgolla and cheesecake and pudding.
Apparently earnest Christian families seem to go to church on this day, this family is different. I felt that they cherish to spend a happy time with family on Easter day.