

マシューメッセージ9/21:世界という劇場で今起きている変化 1

2009-09-23 09:44:27 | 天国からのメッセージ
This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. You are nearing the one-year mark since peoples of all nations jubilantly heralded the outcome of the US presidential election and the high energy of Change! radiated throughout your world. Now there is pervasive resistance to change, with hardliners seemingly as firmly entrenched as ever. Please do not feel discouraged! Opposition to reforms is a natural and inevitable reaction during this late phase of Earth’s ascension out of third density.
Let us put this into the context of an evening at the theater. The audience is absorbed in the play, a very long story that has dragged on and on with repetitive acts, when suddenly strangers start coming on stage. The cast loudly objects to these newcomers, whose conversations don’t fit at all into the storyline, and the audience is confused by the commotion. While some shout for the familiar story to continue, others say they are tired of that play and want to hear what these new folks on stage have to say.
Now, putting that same scenario onto your world’s stage, the Illuminati have long profited from that play, which was written ages ago by their preceding generations, and they are resisting all attempts to bring down the curtain on their production. The strangers, some already on stage and others waiting in the wings, are the new and the upcoming leaders who have an entirely different script, one that includes the voice of all who never have been granted a public hearing.
That is a microcosmic view of what is being played out in your world, where the “audience” sees widespread confusion but doesn’t know what is underlying the turmoil. While many are optimistically welcoming change, others don’t want anything to upset what they are accustomed to, and only a comparative handful of individuals understands that the force that is driving both “casts” to dominate the stage also is evoking the differing reactions of observers―that force is the vibratory level Earth has reached, and it is accelerating life itself.
The vibrations are the cause of “good” and “bad”―the duality in human nature―becoming more obvious. In communities around the world there are ever-increasing exposures of dishonest civil servants, child molesters, cheaters in businesses, cruelty to humankind and animals, and other formerly unknown or unpublicized acts of brutality and immorality. This is happening at one end of the emotional spectrum, and at the other is unprecedented compassion for and caring assistance to peoples locally and in far distant countries. You are witnessing the duality in third density life making a strong statement before its last gasp, and despite frantic attempts by dark minds to keep duality going strong, it has served its purpose on your “schoolhouse planet” and soon will disappear from Earth.
Desperate to hold onto their fast-eroding power, the Illuminati are trying to keep the masses confused, angry and divided because their Plans A and B have failed. Plan A was to prevent the light from entering souls by keeping the peoples in fear, because the energy of fear blocks the incoming light, and that plan worked successfully for centuries. Fear is such a powerful energy that the psyche cannot long sustain that emotion, so the Illuminati kept jolting the collective consciousness with a series of circumstances and events such as wars, famines, oppressive regimes, heavy taxation, diseases, assassinations―anything that would keep the populace living in fearful times. Plan A went awry after “9/11,” which the Illuminati considered their great triumph. The truth is, all souls who perished had agreed to their roles in this pivotal event, and it also was ordained that lightworkers on and off-planet would prevent all subsequent major terror attempts, and they have done so on numerous occasions.
Those failures to keep “the war on global terrorism” in the forefront of all minds are what doomed Plan A and led to Plan B―putting the global economy in chaos. Briefly that appeared to be working well for the Illuminati, but now they are seeing that plan backfiring. Instead of their gaining even greater control of international monies and the world’s natural resources, they are precariously close to losing it all, so they are implementing Plan C: Create confusion, anger and divisiveness by arousing opposition to all reform efforts.
That is why you are seeing vehement pro and con arguments as the extremes of duality are being expressed in various ways throughout your world. Consider the swine flu “pandemic,” with the pharmaceutical/medical establishment, abetted by the media, urging everyone to get flu shots while others are doing their best to warn about the dangers of vaccines. At the same time individuals and groups are doubling efforts to preserve the environment, others are bent upon destroying more lands and seas and wildlife. Aid to relieve the suffering of starving and displaced peoples is being blocked by obstinate rulers. Political in-fighting at all levels of government is taking precedence over the needs of the citizenry, who themselves are divided as to what will best serve their communities and countries.
When Earth reaches still higher vibrations, the dissention will be reconciled into harmonious cooperation for the good of all. But in this moment, the energy produced by opposing sides of issues that profoundly affect life in your world is the only development on the planet wherein the Illuminati can see any hope of success.
By no means are we saying that anyone who wants to maintain the status quo is aligned with the Illuminati’s adamant resistance to change! However, many are beguiled by that dark group’s strategy of blatantly lying and whatever else it takes to make change seem scary. Of course the Illuminati are interested only in blocking change that further will erode their power―that kind of change absolutely IS scary to them. It portends the end of their long reign, and indeed that end is fast approaching as everything with dark intent is being uprooted so it can be done away with. The unstoppable intensity of the light is propelling Earth ever closer to the Golden Age, where no darkness of any kind can exist.

にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 天国からのメッセージへ天国からのメッセージ


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ゴールデンエイジへ移行への加速度・・・ (かたくり)
2009-09-23 15:06:57



 日本においても 人々の目を覚ます為にも




ありがとうございます (あーちゃん)
2009-10-03 11:06:40




ありがとうございます (fatheat)
2009-10-07 07:36:58
シンクロニシティ ()
2009-11-15 00:51:25
