


2009-11-10 16:49:04 | ファーストコンタクト
It is I, St. Germain. Greetings you two. There is magic afoot.
You are about to see your world magically dissolve.
There will be reports of decloaked craft all over the World. There will not be a lot of news about arrests. That part will be down played.
People will focus on the joy of decloakings and the sensations of a half-step increase in consciousness and heart opening. It will be easy, gentle, compassionate, and loving. It will be a song, a warm breeze, relief where there has been none.
Shortly after, there will be Announcements. This long televised briefing will include information about the arrests. Now at this time, everyone will have an open heart and a half step increase in consciousness. Everyone will have a better capability of understanding.
There are many new to your group,who have questions; with a half-step increase, they will grok all that they do not now quite understand. These ones will help the other newly awakening ones.
Everyone is simply throwing off societies’ lies. Everyone is throwing off their upbringing and the dogma placed on them. All is as it should be. Each person is developing, increasing their ascension, at the perfect rate, for their Plan, their Mission.
There are things that can hold a person back. The portal opening of 11/11/09 is the time to shed off the old timeline.
This is the time to look inside and reflect on anything within yourself that needs changing. To begin, look at your physical body, are you treating it well? Do you eat well? Do you get out in nature? Do you have loving relationships? Do you love your work, work your passion?
Are there any of these things that need corrections, revisions? How about your personal finances? Are there promises you have made and have not kept? Do you have correspondence waiting? Are you procrastinating on business which needs your attention? Are there emails you should send? What about your personal space and your vehicle? Have you kept your area clean, kept up with maintenance? Are you in a safe environment? Are your children taken care of? Are all your priorities in order, as you desire them?
11/11 is about ironing out all the wrinkles. It is about being honest with yourself, and applying the necessary polish to the surface of You that is needed.
Now, soon the Bank of St. Germain will be open for business.
Does it make sense to take anything from the Old Timeline into a new space where problems are wiped away? There will be lingering issues, of any of these things that have not been handled before now.
Take these last few seconds, look around, be honest with yourself. Change what can be changed. Accept - and Love - that which cannot be changed.
Be wise and know the difference.
The portal will open, will you be clear when you walk through it?
Blessings,St Germain
St. Germain Speaks on 11/11 & Through to the End of the Year


2009-11-10 09:00:49 | ファーストコンタクト
Beloved Lightworkers, you enter into a sacred moment as the Light intensifies. This is the moment when the Sacred Rose Stargate begins to open and you begin to align your Consciousness with the Cosmic Creation Matrix, in preparation for the final steps in your current Evolutionary Journey of Transformation.
This 11:11 portal is especially powerful, for it is in effect an 11:11:11. The triple energies represent an activation point for the energies of the Divine Christ Light. At this time, there will be an “explosion” of Radiance, and you will begin to activate the Rose Stargate or Portal that will be your connection point to the Cosmic Consciousness.
Dearest Ones, in this last phase of your transformation, you have activated your original perfection blueprint in your DNA, balanced your inner masculine and feminine energies, and brought your Lightbody into full activation. You have activated the Pineal gland and begun the process of transforming the gland into its crystalline new energy form so that it can receive and transmit the higher frequencies of crystalline light.
Now, you begin to unfurl the “petals” of the Rose within your energy field and to form or create the Auric “stargate” that will allow you to access the Cosmic Light of the “One” directly and as a Collective. As you begin to formulate this coherent pattern of Beauty within your energy body, so the Planet also begins to create this stargate beginning over that region that you know as the southern pole.
Beloved Ones, this is the culmination of the Mystery of the Sacred Rose and the Twin Flame, and the Activation of the Grail Codes. The Sacred Rose is the symbol of the Ascended Christ Consciousness, as it encodes a Sacred Truth about Who You Are and your Ascension process.
Let us explain it this way. The Grail Codes of Light activate the potential within your physical being to carry the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness. This is also symbolized by the Golden Chalice. You, yourselves, in your enlightened physical body, are the “chalice” that holds the golden and infinite light of Spirit.
AA Michael: Opening of the Rose Stargate - 11:11:11