

マジェンダ・ピクシー5/31:5月から6月への移行 3

2009-06-01 10:47:02 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Many of you will not even feel like the same person you were last month and of course this is indeed the case from our perspective as your entire consciousness moves into a higher frequency.
The culmination of June's energy will be felt by many on the Solstice when your gatherings and collective meditations align with cosmic events. Your consciousness creates the doorway which shall open easily for you at this time.
So many more of you step into position of Wayshower and connect with your own higher guidance. These we see are good, strong connections and you realise they are with you all the time.
June is a month on your planet of rejuvenation, relaxation, awakening, movement, growth and colour. It is, if you will, a transition from one density into another as the harmonics of the Ascension are so clearly felt by those who have become pure, flowing conduits, walking in balance – grounded to the Earth yet fully open to the receiving of the higher energies.
Transition - May into June 2009
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

マジェンダ・ピクシー5/31:5月から6月への移行  2

2009-06-01 10:26:07 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Even though many of you do not necessarily feel this yourselves, we can see the great growth that took place amongst you as a collective during the month of May.
So much happened that was 'behind the scenes' as it were. Shiftings that shall lead to universal understanding – a collective coming together, moving into the frequency of the higher dimensions of telepathic union and love.
The move into the month of June will be somewhat different for those moving in alignment with higher frequencies. A settling down into what seems like a slower pace – it is indeed a time of relaxation and heart activation even within the context of one's continued Lightwork.
Many of you will move into positions of new territory and new opportunity, new openings shall come your way. This is the time of new relationships, new jobs, new activities.
The heart shall be opened and so many of you shall enter a bliss state. That which you learned from the challenges of May will be put into use in surprising ways in June.
Transition - May into June 2009
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

マジェンダ・ピクシー5/31:5月から6月への移行 1

2009-06-01 07:59:26 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Transition - May into June 2009
As your month of May comes to a close, many of you who are feeling the planetary and cosmic energies will look back, analyse and integrate the energy of May that has been passed through. For May was a month of challenging energies where many of you who felt you had progressed to such high Ascending frequencies came down again to Earth, revisiting old patternings and embracing fears that you believed were long since gone from your reality.
It is not so that you have 'come down again' in this way, even though it may have felt that way. Yet all the energies of May served indeed to ground many of you firmly to the New Earth.
May was a necessary month of clearing, facing residue of fears and anxieties and learning how to truly embrace the higher path. Decisions were made and those within the flow of light learned that whatever the decision they made, they could still understand the intricacies of the other realities and timelines where the self existed in a consciousness construct where the other decision had been made. The individuals who reached this understanding are now able to communicate with other aspects of themselves, understanding that you are multi-dimensional beings, existing in so many realities simultaneously.
Many of you learned the difference between embracing and facing fear and walking away from that which is not aligned with your being. Understanding that walking away from something does not always mean you are afraid to face it, for you can walk away and face a situation when you work multi dimensionally.
Yes indeed, May was a challenging month for so many of you as you entered a phase we could describe as 'purification'
Transition - May into June 2009
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ