

【英日語放送】I want to ask to american.米国市民に聞きたい!(1/2)

2016年03月14日 15時39分03秒 | 政治・社会

Hello Everyone!

Thank you very mauch for your attention to my English broadcast from Japan.

Today is Sunday on the 14th March 2016 at 02.20 pm in local time.

My name is Ysuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in local time for more than 3 years and 8 months.

I started English broadcast once a week on Sunday on the 7th Feburary 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.

So please find here-after the English blog editated from the broadcast scinario of the 14th March 2016.

【Broadcast Recording】 31分16秒


【Broadcast Recording】 

【English Blog】

■I want to ask questions to each american citizen.


Do you know that more than 90 percent of the miseries and tragedies of the world including the United States are made by two ruling forces of your country?


Do you know that these two fuling forces of the United States who are producing more than 90% of miseries and tragedies around the world dominate the entire American society?


Do you know that these two ruling forces are substantially dominating almost all american society such as the President of the United States, the federal government, local governments, the federal parliament, local councils, business community,religion,media,education, scholors, consumption, culture and speech?

あなたは、米国の二つの支配勢力が米国の大統領、連邦政府、地方政府、連邦議会、地方議会、経済界、宗教界、メディア、教育、学会、消費、文化、言論 などほとんどすべてを実質的に支配していることを知っていますか?

Do you know that onw of the ruling forces is Jewish Rothschild financial mafia and the another one is the neocon war faction based on the US military-industrial complex and that these two ruling forces are working closely with each other?

あなたは、これらの支配勢力の一つが、ユダヤロスチャイルド国際金融マフィアであり、もう一つの勢力が、米軍産複合体ネオコン戦争派であること、そしてこれら 二つの勢力は互いに緊密に連携していることを知っていますか?

Do you know that 1.2 billion people are living on less than 1 dollar a day and 3 billion peaple are living on less than 1.6 dollars a day in the world?

あなたは、世界で一日100円以下で生活する人が12億人、一日200円以下で生活す る人が30億人いることを知っていますか?

Do you know that the reson why about half of the population in the world are forced to live under the extreme poverty is the result of the embezzlement of public assets and the nationalexploitation by the Jewish Rothschild financial mafia?

あなたは、世界人口の約半分の人が極貧生活を強いられている原因は、ユダヤロスチャイルド国際金融マフィアによる国民資産の横領と国民搾取の結果であるこ とを知っていますか?

Do you know thathte reson why about half of the population in the world are forced to live under the extreme poverty is the result of the total destruction of the nationa economy by war and terrorism caused by the neocon war faction based on the US military-industrial complex?

あなたは、世界人口の約半分の人が極貧生活を強いられている原因は、米軍産複合体ネオコン戦争派による戦争とテロによって国民経済が破壊された結 果であ ることを知っていますか?

I want to ask you also the folowing questions.


1)Do you know that the persons who are now causing the war and terrorism around the world are the american neo-conservative war faction based on the US military-industrial complex,such as military personel of the Department of Defense,diplomats of the State Department,CIA operatives,Congressmen and managers of Weapons manufacturing companies?

あなたは、今世界中で戦争とテロを引き起こしているのは、軍産複合体ネオコン戦争派の国防総省軍人、国務省官僚、CIA工作員、連邦議会政治 家、兵器メーカー経営者であることを知っていますか?

2)Do you know that the persons who are nos creating the poverty and large social disparities all over the world are the american bankers of great financial institutions of the Jewish Rothschild finantioalmafia?

あなたは、今世界中に貧困と大格差社会を生み出しているは,ユダヤロスチャイ ルド国際金融マフィアの米国大手金融機関の銀行家であることを知って いますか?

3)Do you know that the "Islamic State"who is said to have dominated the half of the territories of Iraq and Syria was maid by the
neo-conservative war faction based on the US military-industrial complex and Israel・Jewish Zionistes and oil producing countries such as Saudi Arabia who are provaiding them the funds and weapons and know-how?

あなたは、イラクとシリアの半分の領土を支配していると言われるイスラム国は、米国の軍産複合体・ネオコン戦争派とイスラエル・ユダヤシオ二 ストとサウジアラビアが資金と武器とノウハウを提供して作ったことを知っていますか?

4)Do you know that many students in the United States and Japan who have borrowed a university tuitionwith high interest from the bank ca'nt repay the education loan because of unemployment?


5)Do you know the reason why many students in the United States and Japan can't repay the university tuition is that the free of education systme which has become commonplace in European countries is'nt introduitin the United States and Japan?


6)Do you know that "911 US terrorist attacks" occured on the 11th September 2001 which is officially said that the Islamic extremists "al-Qaida”was the perpetrators was disguised as the row and that President Bush, Vice President Cheyknee and Secretary of Defense RamsFeld and neo-conservative war faction, such as the Israeli-Yudayashio and Saudi-Aerabia have planned and executed like as self-created kno terrorism?


2001年9月11日の【911米国同時テロ】は、イスラム過激派【アルカイダ】が実行したように見せかけて、実際はブッシュ大統領、チェイ ニー副大統領ラムズフェルド国防長官などの軍産複合体・ネオコン戦争派とイスラエル・ユダヤシオ二ストとサウジアラビアが企画・立案し実行した自作自演テロだったことを知っていますか?


【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
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