

【English BlogNo.3471】 If we tax "the financial economy" and abolish "consumption tax" in every・・!

2020年08月20日 09時55分19秒 | 政治・社会
Hello Everyone!

My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Sundayat 9:00 p.m. in local time for more than 7 years.

Approximately 1000 persons are watching every time.
I started English-Japanese broadcast biweekly on Wednesday night from the 7th 2015 in order to talk directly to 1.4 billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.



▲ Please find here-after the English blog based on the scenario of English-Japansese broadcast made yesterday on the 19th August 2020.

【English BlogNo.3471】

■ If we tax "the financial economy" and abolish "consumption tax" in every country in the world, "five revolutionary changes" would soon take place on a global scale!

"Five revolutionary changes" No1:

If a uniform tax of "5% on transactions of financial products" is levied on "transactions of sale of financial products", a huge new financial resource can be obtained.

Estimated annual tax revenue for the "tax on financial transactions" of the primary countries

Note 1

It is considered that "the scale of the real economy" of each country in the world is almost the same as "the annual gross domestic product (GDP)".

Note 2

However, since the concept of "the financial economics" does not exist in economics, there are no empirical statistics of the "the financial economy scale" in each country.

Note 3 

"The financial economic scale" of the three major countries of the world described below is based on my calculation in which Japan's "financial scale" is "about20 times" "the real economic scale".

Note 4 

I guess the US and UK "financial economy scale" is probably not 20 times that ofthe "real economy", but "30 to 50 times" since both countries have "much stronger financial powers ".

Trailer 5 

The reason for excluding China, which is the second biggest in the world, is that China is the only major economic power to avoid "financial control" by "the Rothschild international financial mafia".

Note 6 

“The amount of real GDP (in dollars)” of each country corresponds to the “UN statistics” of 2018.

Note 7 

The conversion rate applied: 1 dollar = 0.85 euros. 1 euro = 125.94 yen

"The annual tax forecast on financial transactions in Japan": 5.10 trillion dollars (513.8 trillion yen).


1. "The scale of the real economy of Japan" = 『GDP』 = 5.10 trillion dollars (51 3.8 trillion yen)

2. "The scale of the financial economy of Japan" = 『GDP x 20』 = 102.0trillion dollars.

3. "The annual fiscal forecast on Japan's financial transactions" = "The scale of Japan's financial economy" x 5% = 5.10 trillion dollars (513. trillions of yen).

"The annual tax forecast on financial transactions in the United States": 19.50 trillion dollars (2.088.0 trillion yen).


1. The "real economy scale" of the United States = 『GDP』 = 19.50 trillion dollars (2,088.0 trillion yen)

2. "The scale of the financial economy of the United States" = 『GDP x 20』 = 390.0 trillion dollars (41.761.7 trillion yen).

3. "The annual tax forecast on financial transactions of the United States" = "The scale of the financial economy of Japan" x 5% = 19.50 trilli dollars (2,088.0 trillosn yen).

"The annual tax forecast on financial transactions in the United Kingdom": 3.08 trillion dollars (329.9 trillion yen).


1. "UK real economy scale =『 GDP 』= 3.08 trillion dollars (329.9 trillion yen)
2. "The scale of the financial economy of the United Kingdom" = 『GNP x 20』 = 61.6 trill ons dollars (6,599.2 trillions of yen)

3. "The annual fiscal forecast on financial transactions of the United Kingdom" = "The scale of the financial economy of the United Kingdom" x 5% = 3.08 trilli dollars (329.9 reillosn yen) .

"Five revolutionary changes" No2:

Governments around the world would be able to use "huge new tax revenues" obtained by taxing "the financial economy" for "the execution of five important policies".

1. "the eradication of poverty": introduction of "the minimum life security system (basic income) and "the family allowance system ".

2. "Security of well-being for all": implementation of medical care, nursing care, pensions, protection of handicapped people, job security, housing security etc.

3. "Security of education for all": "completely free education" and "Free scholarship system".

4. "The resurrection of the real economy": by contracting "the financial economy", the real economy" would maintain a stable economic growth of 4 to 5% per year and the unemployed would br reduced considerably.

5. "Peace and the restoration of nature": by reducing "the financial economy", world peace and nature would be revitalized by reducing the financing to the "war economy", to "the mafia economy", to "the gambling economy", to "the nuclear and petrification energy mafia".

"Five revolutionary changes" No3:

"The abolition of the consumption tax" would dramatically bring back "the real economy"!

in case of Japan:

If "the 10% consumption tax" is abolished, the tax burden of "20 trillion yen", about 3.8% of Japanese GDP would disappear and disposable income of "400,000 yenper household would increase.

"Five revolutionary changes" No4:

" Rothschild International Financial Mafiaof" which controls "the financial economy" around the world would lose its "major financial resources" through taxationon "the financial economy".

As a result, "the world domination" by the "Rothschild international financial Mafia" which has continued for 250 years would collapse.

If we nationalize at "100%" "the Central Banks" which they control in the whole world and take back to the hands of the people "the rights to issue money" whichthey monopolize, we would be able to stop their breathing completely.

"Five revolutionary changes" No5:

As the "world ruling class = the Rothschild international financial mafia" loses its "financial power" around the world, the subsequent controls by their "national ruling class" would also lose!

"Financial rule" "Political rule" "Administrative rule" "Judicial rule" "Economic rule" "Military rule" "Religious rule" "Media rule" "Education rule"

"Terrorism and war", "recessionand financial crisis", "natural destruction" and "climate change" would disappear and a peaceful, stable and prosperous life would return.


【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
