DEVIAPPLE Let's laugh!!

Kayo's pics and comics blog.


2010年09月20日 17時54分20秒 | My Life as a Dog

Too hot summer.
Brandon dog&Lee cat"We want to bug-hunting in the park!! Bunji!!"
Bunji"NO WAY!! You will die of the heat. If you go to the park!! Stay here!!"
Brandon dog & Lee cat want to bug-hunting in the park.They bought new nets and cages for it.But this summer is terrible hot.Bunji worries about the high temperature, and can't let them out.
Brandon dog&Lee cat"No! No! We want to go!!"
Bunji"NO!!…ah!! please wait a little"
Bunji seems to have hit on some good ideas
…to be continued.

今年の夏は特に暑かったけど、私の部屋も暑かった!! 最近、やっと朝晩は秋を感じられる涼しい風がふきはじめてほっとしています。でも、昼間お天気がいいと、やっぱり私の部屋は暑い…そして、なぜか虫も多い…