DEVIAPPLE Let's laugh!!

Kayo's pics and comics blog.

The haunted house 03

2008年08月31日 01時37分43秒 | My Life as a Dog

Next morning,They are telling the storys of phenomenon at night in breakfast, They cannot eat because they frighten. And, animals are looking at their fear.
The ghost sneers at them.
…to be continued.

The haunted house 01

2008年08月22日 21時03分04秒 | My Life as a Dog

Animals and Bunji came to a big villa in the mountain for summering. This old house was there for 100 years or more. It is Harry 's now though this old house was millionaire's property. Because this millionaire had gone bankrupt, Harry MacDowell bought it cheaply.However, this old house has eerie atmosphere.
Bunji and his guys are innocently pleased with summering. But, Brandon dog and Lee cat were looking at the person who lived in this eerie house.
It is a ghost.
Bunji「We arrived」
Banndon dog &Lee cat「……」
…to be continued.


2008年08月03日 18時03分47秒 | My Life as a Dog


ある日、十二が珍しく手土産を持って文治宅を訪れました。それは電動アイスシェーバー(つまり電動かき氷製造機ね)。どうやら商店街のくじ引きで当たったようです。可愛い形のアイスシェーバーにブランドン犬とにゃんこリーは大喜びです。早速、フルーツを用意してかき氷パーティ!! たまには十二も気の利いたことをしますね。


2008年08月01日 21時35分10秒 | Devil May Cry