


2022-04-19 22:09:23 | Newsメモ

BBC Ukraine war: Can India feed the world? 19 Apr 2022 By Soutik Biswas

Last week, Indian PM Narendra Modi told US President Joe Biden that India was ready to ship food to the rest of the world following supply shocks and rising prices due to the war in Ukraine.

Mr Modi said India had "enough food" for its 1.4 billion people, and it was "ready to supply food stocks to the world from tomorrow" if the World Trade Organization (WTO) allowed.

Russia and Ukraine are two of the world's major wheat exporters and account for about a third of global annual wheat sales. The two countries also account for 55% of the global annual sunflower oil exports, and 17% of exports of maize and barley.



BBC Ukraine crisis: Why India is buying more Russian oil 15 Apr 2022 By Shruti Menon

As pressure continues on India to maintain its distance from Moscow after the invasion of Ukraine, there has been a rise in oil imports from Russia.

The Indian government has defended the move to buy Russian oil, and said what it buys from Russia in a month is less than what Europe buys from Russia in an afternoon.

Mr Lavrov told his Indian counterparts that Russia was willing to discuss any goods that India wanted to buy and urged that payments be made in roubles.


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