

「森林火災? 原住民や火星人が悪いって言わせたい? 最大の容疑者はね…!」

2019-08-23 17:23:34 | Newsメモ


BBC Amazon fires: 'Our house is burning', Macron warns ahead of G7 23 Aug 2019

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the record number of fires in the Amazon rainforest is an "international crisis" that needs to top the agenda at this weekend's G7 summit.


Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro responded by accusing Mr Macron of using the issue for "political gain".

He said calls to discuss the fires at the G7 summit in Biarritz, which Brazil is not participating in, evoke "a misplaced colonialist mindset".


Mr Bolsonaro has suggested that non-governmental organisations started the fires, but admitted he had no evidence for this claim. In comments on Thursday, he acknowledged that farmers might be involved in setting fires in the region, according to Reuters news agency.

Others before Mr Bolsonaro have dismissed international NGOs and European leaders as foreign meddlers into national affairs.

But Mr Bolsonaro has taken this to a new level by suggesting NGOs may be responsible for encouraging wildfires to sabotage him.
」「The president has suggested that NGOs may have started fires as revenge for his government slashing their funding.


Asked on Thursday who was responsible, he said: "The Indians, do you want me to blame the Indians? Do you want me to blame the Martians?... Everyone is a suspect, but the biggest suspects are NGOs."

「原住民が悪いって言わせたい? 火星人が悪いって言わせたい? 容疑者なんてだれでもそうだけど―最大の容疑者はNGOだな」。おいおいおい…。

 さらには、”アマゾンはヨーロッパよりおっきいんだぜ? 放火にどうやって対抗できるって? 装備なんかないぞ?”というものっそいひらきなおり。

Mr Bolsonaro has said that the country is not equipped to fight the fires. "The Amazon is bigger than Europe, how will you fight criminal fires in such an area?," he asked reporters as he left the presidential residence on Thursday. "We do not have the resources for that."



関連:「ブラジル:National Space Research Instituteのトップが辞任見込み(2019-08-05)」


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