


2024-08-25 21:10:14 | Newsメモ

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has paid a historic visit to Ukraine, telling President Volodymyr Zelensky he is prepared to play a personal role to bring peace.

 やあやあウクライナ君、僕らは最初っから平和を希求してきたのだよ! そこで両国の和平を実現するのに、私は個人的に役割を果たせると思うんだけどね? というわけなのだが、いやほんと面の皮は厚いに越したことはないらしい。すげえなアンタ。

BBC India ready to help find peace, Modi tells Ukraine 2 days ago

Nick Beake
Paul Kirby


Six weeks ago, President Zelensky had spoken of his “huge disappointment” at watching Mr Modi warmly hug the Russian leader.

The Indian leader was criticised by President Zelensky last month when he hugged Russia's President Vladimir Putin during a trip to Moscow on a day of deadly Russian strikes, including one on Kyiv's biggest children's hospital.

Mr Modi, 73, said he had told Mr Putin that problems could not be solved on the battlefield.


Mr Modi arrived in the Ukrainian capital by train from Poland, the first international leader to visit since Ukraine forces crossed into Russia's Kursk region in early August, seizing more than 1,250 sq km of territory, according to the military.


India had never been neutral in the war, he insisted. "Right from the first day our side was peace," Mr Modi argued, pointing out that he came from the land of Mahatma Gandhi, whose statue in Kyiv he visited earlier.

On Friday it was the Ukrainian leader's turn to be embraced by Mr Modi – although it appeared a more awkward greeting. Mr Zelensky appeared to frown, but equally it may have been the sun in his eyes.

Smiles were few and far between.

 なんかゼレンシキの顔、渋くね? あーあーあーあー、あれだ、太陽の光が眩しかったんだね! きっとそうに違いないよ! なんかよそよそしいのは、気のせい! そしてそういうことになった、というオチでいいのでは。プーチンは泣くかもしれんが、このままプーチンが没落するだけならジャガイモ親父も逃げ切れる。いやあのジャガイモ親父も没落してしまえとも思うが、急に没落されても国がぐっだぐだになるのは…目に見えてる気もするし…。
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