


1年目 Pragnya Das (プラギヤ ダス)

2019-05-23 18:42:48 | その他
Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing good. I am Pragnya Das from Odisha in India. A place where you can experience quite a lot of diversity, temperature ranging from about -45°C to 50°C, beautiful deserts, mountains, lush green forests and beautiful seas. Tasty foods, interesting people with diverse cultures and lots more. You are most welcome to visit India.

Now coming to my introduction, I am MEXT scholarship student in Faculty of Science, Mathematics Department and I have joined for pursuing my PhD course here in pure Mathematics.

I have been here for about 2 months now and I can say that I really like Sapporo. Such beautiful sceneries, peaceful environment, interesting food and kind people definitely gives me a sense of contentment here. I loved the famous Sakura here. I am enjoying all the new things that Japan has offered me till now.

Moving to the main topic of this blog, the Equestrian club of Hokkaido University. I was introduced to this club by a friend of mine who is also a member of the club. Horse riding in general is such a rare experience, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to join the club, and I was right. I got to know horse riding is no casual activity and horses are no usual animals you can pet. It requires so much maintenance, perseverance and technique to really learn horse riding. I also learned that it enables you to travel a lot of places if you are actively involved in the club. And most importantly I love the horses here.

And hats off to the club members who are always so enthusiastic to work in the club and help you when you ask them for help. And except for the training here the club also offers some relaxation as small parties that is fun as well. Overall my experience till now in the club has been really nice and I look forward to learn more in the club.

With this I am ending my blog. Thank you very much.
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« 1年目 武井 陸 | トップ | 1年目 土橋 花実 »

