

2006-02-06 23:41:58 | drawings
uh,yes,yes. Once again,I am losing my English.
this is very scary. Pardon me, excuse me, this is me. I am dumb.
"No problem" who says so?
I say "No! this is serious! No joke.
Taking off my scabs, scratching my itchnes, I am in trouble.
Oh, please don't waste your precious time.
That's the only thing I'm worried about.
Well, that's not true but you know what I mean?
I suppose not.
I am just trying to pick up some phrases from my rotten brain.
So I am telling you, this is just a practice but practice is all there is.
And I'm gonna tell myself that it's okay, it's all right, everything is going to be fine because I am me, mighty RT and I will save my soul.