今日、何する? What will I do today?


超美味かった! This dish was terrific!

2016年04月15日 13時02分05秒 | 語学
4月15日 金曜日晴れ
258日/366日 英語学習258日目 

今日の名言・格言・諺(a saying; a famous saying ; a well-known saying ; a proverb)

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
By Albert Einstein



The New York Timesの電子版記事で、earthquakeに関する用語を勉強してみました。

Strong Quake in Japan Kills at Least Nine, Nuclear Plants Safe
By REUTERSAPRIL 14, 2016, 2:39 P.M. E.D.T.
TOKYO — A strong earthquake hit southwestern Japan on Thursday, bringing down some buildings, killing at least nine people and injuring hundreds, local media said, but the nuclear regulator reported no problems at power plants.
東京 - 木曜日、強い地震が日本の南西地方を襲った。この地震によりかなりの家屋倒壊し、9人の死者、数百人の負傷者が出たとローカル・メディアは伝えている。 だが、原子力発電所(稼働)には問題がなしと原子力監督官は報告。
The initial magnitude 6 tremor struck 11 km (7 miles) east of the city of Kumamoto, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). It said the magnitude was 6.2 but later revised it down. マグニチュード6の最初の地震が熊本市11㎞東部を襲う。USGSに準じる。(当初)マグニチュード6.2と報告されていたが、後に下方修正された。
There was no warning, but at least one person was killed after being crushed by a collapsing building, local media reported. More than 400 people were taken to hospital. 津波の心配なし。しかし、家屋倒壊により少なくとも1名死亡とローカル・メディアは伝えている。400名以上が病院に収容された模様。
The Kyodo news agency said some 44,400 people had also been evacuated and more than 100 aftershocks had been recorded since the quake, which struck shortly before 9.30 pm local time.  4400名ほどが避難、現地時間午後9時半前の地震(本震)発生からこれまでに100回以上の余震が記録されていると共同通信社は伝えている。
Footage from public broadcaster NHK showed firefighters tackling a blaze in a building in Mashiki, a town of about 34,000 people near the epicenter of the quake. (日本の)国営放送NHKは映像で、震源地近くの益城町、人口3万4千人の住宅火災の炎と戦う消防士の姿を流した。
"We will do our utmost and carry on with life-saving and rescue operations throughout the night," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters.
Japanese media showed residents, some of them wrapped in blankets, huddling in parking lots and other open space for fear of further building collapses.
"The apartment building I live in is now tilting. Everything fell down inside. It's a mess," a male resident in Mashiki said on NHK.
About 16,500 households in and around Mashiki were without electricity as of 2 a.m. (1700 GMT), according to Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc.
The Nuclear Regulation Authority said there were no irregularities at three nuclear plants on the southern major island of Kyushu and nearby Shikoku.
In March 2011, a quake of magnitude 9 struck offshore north of Tokyo, causing tsunami waves along the coast that killed nearly 20,000 people and triggered a nuclear power plant meltdown.
After Thursday's quake, some high-speed trains were halted as a precaution.
Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda, speaking in Washington, said the central bank as working closely with other authorities to avoid any disruption to banking operations. There has been no report of disruption to fund settlement systems so far, he said.
Honda Motor Co suspended output at its motorcycle factory near Kumamoto following the quake, a company spokesman said. Honda planned to inspect production equipment at the factory, which has an annual output capacity of 250,000 units, on Friday to see how soon production can be resumed.
Mitsubishi Electric Corp and tire maker Bridgestone Corp also suspended operations at their factories in the area, Kyodo news agency said.

magnitude : 大きい事、巨大さ、大きさ、大小、重大、重大さ,マグニチュード
the magnitude of the universe 宇宙の巨大さ
an area of great magnitude とてつもなく広い地域
the magnitude of a problem 問題の重大さ
彼は犯した罪の大きさを悟った。 He realized the magnitude of his crime.
宮城県で震度7を観測する。 A magnitude 7 earthquake was observed in Miyagi Prefecture.
今朝、震度3の地震がありました。 There was a magnitude three earthquake this morning.
この地震はマグニチュード7.2だった。The earthquake has a magnitude of 7.2.
私はその問題の重要さが分かっていなかった。 I hadn’t realized the magnitude of the problems.
こんな大きな真珠は見たことがない。 I’ve never seen a pearl of such magnitude!
地震のマグニチュードは推定8.7だった。The estimated magnitude of the earthquake is 8.7.
気象庁によると、この地震はマグニチュード7だった。 The Japan Meteorological Agency said the earthquake had a magnitude 7.
マグニチュード5の地震が東京を見舞った。 An earthquake of magnitude 5 shook Tokyo.
この地震はマグニチュード7.6で、その後多くの余震が続いた。The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.6 and was followed by many aftershocks.
4月15日の早朝、マグニチュード7の強い地震が熊本県を襲った。 ,
Early on the morning of April 15, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7 struck Kumamoto prefecture.
An earthquake of magnitude 7 hit Kumamoto prefecture on April 15, 2016.
最も重要な問題 a problem of the first magnitude
サイズ、大きさ、数または強さが増える increase in size, magnitude, number or intensity
強さ、価値、あるいは大きさが弱くなる become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude

地震 an earthquake, a temblor, a (an earth) tremor
液状化現象 liquefaction
活断層 an active fault
危機管理 risk (crisis) management
群発地震 an earthquake swarm, a series of earthquakes
地震ゾーニング seismic zoning
地震波 a seismic wave
地震予知 earthquake prediction
震源・震央 a hypocenter, an epicenter
震度 seismic intensity
震度空白域 a seismic gap
前震 a foreshock
耐震構造 an earthquake-resistant structure (building)
縦ずれ断層 a dip slip fault
断層 fault
直下型地震 an earthquake directly above its epicenter, an earthquake with a vertical shock
低周波地震 a low frequency earthquake
微小地震 a microearthquake
本震 a main shock
免震構造 a seismically isolated structure (building)
横ずれ断層 a strike slip fault
余震 an aftershock
地震防災対策特別措置法 the Special Measure Law on Earthquake Disaster Prevention
地震学 seismology
地震計 a seismometer, a seismograph
地震の前兆 premonitory symptoms of an earthquake
形容詞 An awful earthquake, devastating earthquake, disastrous ~, weak, strong, terrifying, great, large, big, severest, violent, slight, severe, major, small, bad 
陥落地震 a downfall earthquake
地滑り地震 a dislocative earthquake
火山地震 a volcanic earthquake
海底地震 a submarine earthquake
地震保険 earthquake insurance
地震難民 sufferers from an earthquake
震災地 an earthquake devastated district
地震観測装置 earthquake observation device
地震検出装置 earthquake detecting device
地震警報装置 earthquake alarming device

超激辛に作ってみました。 ひき肉入れすぎ!

But this dish was terrific!

色々な解釈がある。It admits of various interpretations.

2016年04月14日 07時31分41秒 | 語学
4月14日 木曜日 曇り
257日/366日 英語学習257日目 

今日の名言・格言・諺(a saying; a famous saying ; a well-known saying ; a proverb)

The search for truth begins with the doubt of all “truths” in which one has previously believed.

By Friedrich Nietzsche



Wow..英語初めて257日! 257日もやって、英語のレベルはどうなっているんでしょうか?


Blaise Pascalブレーズ・パスカルのパンセ(Pensées)をビジネスに応用しているのは、多分僕以外にはいないかもしれません。一体、パンセとビジネスとどう関係するのか? という疑問を持つ方が多いでしょう。哲学用語のIntuitions(s複数形)を養う、それも正しいintuitionsを養わなければならないということですね。

英語でl’esprit de géométrie et l’esprit de finesseってどう訳すのかな?という疑問から入ってみました。esprit de géométrieは、spirit of geometryで、esprit de finesseはspirit of refinementと訳されているようですね。ちなみに、英語とフランス語の類似単語は、63%以上と言われています。
palpable ➡ palpable
principe ➡ principle
habit(habitude) ➡ habitude
等々 英語からフランス語、フランス語から英語は比較的簡単に上達が可能かもしれません。

Différence entre l’esprit de géométrie et l’esprit de finesse.

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), mathematical genius, inventor of the calculator, philosopher and mystic, suddenly noticed the great contradiction of modern times which had firmed up — the disconnection between two principles which he called "esprit de géométrie" (spirit of geometry) and "esprit de finesse" (spirit of refinement). The spirit of geometry is the calculating, instrumental-analytical reasoning that deals with things — in a word, modern science, which changes the face of the Earth with its power. The spirit of refinement, which we translate as spirit of gentleness, is the reasoning of the heart — "logique du coeur" according to Pascal — that has to do with people and social relationships — in a word, with another kind of science which tends to subjectivity, the meaning of life, spirituality, and the quality of human relationships.

En l’un les principes sont palpables mais éloignés de l’usage commun, de sorte qu’on a peine à tourner la tête de ce côté là, manque d’habitude. Mais pour peu qu’on l’y tourne, on voit les principes à plein, et il faudrait avoir tout à fait l’esprit faux pour mal raisonner sur des principes si gros qu’il est presque impossible qu’ils échappent.
Mais dans l’esprit de finesse les principes sont dans l’usage commun et devant les yeux de tout le monde. On n’a que faire de tourner la tête ni de se faire violence, il n’est question que d’avoir bonne vue. Mais il faut l’avoir bonne, car les principes sont si déliés et en si grand nombre, qu’il est presque impossible qu’il n’en échappe. Or l’omission d’un principe mène à l’erreur. Ainsi il faut avoir la vue bien nette pour voir tous les principes, et ensuite l’esprit juste pour ne pas raisonner faussement sur des principes connus.

In the one, the principles are palpable, but removed from ordinary use; so that for want of habit it is difficult to turn one's mind in that direction: (…) But in the intuitive mind the principles are found in common use and are before the eyes of everybody. (…) it is only a question of good eyesight, but it must be good, for the principles are so subtle and so numerous that it is almost impossible but that some escape notice. (512/1, translated by W. F. Trotter)

Tous les géomètres seraient donc fins s’ils avaient la vue bonne, car ils ne raisonnent pas faux sur les principes qu’ils connaissent. Et les esprits fins seraient géomètres s’ils pouvaient plier leur vue vers les principes inaccoutumés de géométrie.

All mathematicians would then be intuitive if they had clear sight, for they do not reason incorrectly from principles known to them; and intuitive minds would be mathematical if they could turn their eyes to the principles of mathematics to which they are unused. (ibid.)

夫々のinterpretation (construction)が可能ですね。
It admits of various interpretations.

I cooked dinner last night.
I made yakitori. I did everything by hand.
It was not terrible.

あなたは海派、山派? Definitely the sea!

2016年04月12日 16時28分36秒 | 語学
4月12日 火曜日 曇り
255日/366日 英語学習255日目 

今日の名言・格言・諺(a saying; a famous saying ; a well-known saying ; a proverb)

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
By Winston Churchill


I need some kind of escape.

What do you think is the best place for a spring break?
Definitely the sea and beach.
Don’t you think beaches are great for relaxing?

I like the smell of the sea and it’s a great place to get away from everything.

「継続こそ力なり」って英語では? Perseverance is the/a key to a succcess.

2016年04月11日 07時23分11秒 | 語学
4月11日 月曜日 曇り
254日/366日 英語学習254日目 

今日の名言・格言・諺(a saying; a famous saying ; a well-known saying ; a proverb)

When you lose interest in anything, you also lose the mermory for it.

By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


My sunburned leg!!!!!!!!!!!

Practice makes perfect.


Perseverance is a key to a success.
えっ? 何でa successなの?
と思ったら、the keyもあった
Perseverance is the key to a success.

a key 沢山あるkeyのなかのひつと
the key それこそがkey

Persistence pays off.
Rome was not built in a day.
Little by little and bit by bit.
Constant dropping wears away the stone.
It’s dogged that does it.
Many a little makes a mickle.
It at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.

This is my favorite fishing point.

It was scrumptious! 美味かった!

2016年04月08日 07時25分53秒 | 語学
4月8日 金曜日 宮古島 曇り
251日/366日 英語学習251日目 目標設定までの残日数:115日


My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
By Ernest Hemingway

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
By Leonardo da Vinci

Yesterday, I took …

This crab was scrumptious!
Especially, the crab’s claws!!!!