今日、何する? What will I do today?


とにかく、新しい毎日なんだ。 Every day is a new day.

2016年03月31日 11時07分34秒 | 語学
244日/366日 244日目 残り日数 122日

今日の名言・格言・諺(a saying ; a famous saying ; a well-known saying ; a proverb)
[Every day is a new day]
Ernest Hemingway

厚切りベーコンとしめじのカルボナーラ風を作ってみました。Al denteです。勿論!
PastaはDececco Liguine No7  Black pepper をたっぷりと!

Free online English grammar testをやってみました。 正解率85%。ただし、偶然に正解が数問あった。つまり、文法的に100%理解していないということです。文法的裏付けが出来なければ理解していないといえる。
Check your level of English grammar
The following test contains 50 multiple choice questions related to various fields of English grammar: tenses; modals; conditionals and unreal tenses; indirect speech; passive voice and causative structures; infinitives, gerunds and participles; relative clauses; inversion; articles; countable and uncountable nouns.
For each question, choose the best answer from the three choices listed, then click Next. If you do not know the answer to a question and you do not want to guess, click Leave blank. Once you have answered a question or left it blank, you cannot return to it to review or change your answer. The questions get harder as you progress. When you complete the test, you will see the number and percentage of correct answers that you gave, as well as which level the result corresponds to.
Please note that this test is only meant to give you an indication of your English grammar level and is not an accurate placement test.

Mary is … teacher. 
( -, a, an)

… go for a walk?
(Would you like to, Would you like, Do you like)
I … in the morning.
(drink a cup of tea usually, drink usually a cup of tea, usually drink a cup of tea)

My sister ... in Canada. (live, lives, living)

Where …
(does Peter work? Peter does work? works Peter?

I don't have ... problems.
(some, any, much)

I like ... early in summer.
(get up, getting up, to getting up)

Tom can … the piano.
(play, to play, plays)

Come on, I ... you with those bags.
( ‘m going to help, ‘ll help, ‘m helping)

I ... for you all day yesterday.
(looking, was looking, have been looking)

Let's take an umbrella. …
(It rained. It rains. It’s raining)

Sorry, I can't meet you tonight. I ... out with some friends.
(am going, go, will go)

When I ... home, I ... to bed straight away.
(was getting/went, got/went, got/had gone)

Last week, I stayed with my sister ... a few days.
(during, since, for)

I ... on the computer all day. My eyes are sore.
(been working, was working, have been working)

If I ... in New York at that time, I ... to the show.
(were living/would go, had been living/would have gone, lived/would have gone)

Tim should spend ... time on the computer.
(less, fewer, a few)

He wanted to know ...
(who I was waiting for, who was I waiting for, for who I was waiting.)

The question was ... to answer.
(enough difficult, too difficult, difficulty)

There is something you want to say, ...
(isn’t there? isn’t it? doesn’t it?)

I really ... give up smoking.
(need, must, ought)

When I met Philip in 1980, he said he ... to Brunei.
(had never been, has never been, never been)

The wind was blowing through the ... living room window.
(breaking, broken, broke)

I regret to inform you that your application ...
(has been rejected, has rejected, rejected)

What's the last film ... you saw?
(what, who, that)

Have you ever ... China?
(been in, been to, gone to)

Who ... to?
(belongs this bag, this bag belongs, does this bag belong)

... a lot of cheese.
(French eat, The French eat, The French eats)

I wish ... nearer. Then we could meet more often.
(living, I would live, I lived)

I'll never forget ... her for the first time.
(to have met, to meet, meeting)

The guide ... visiting the Royal Palace.
(suggested, agreed, promised)

J. K. Rowling is rumoured ... a new book.
(that she is writing, to be writing, writing)

Smokers are more likely ... lung cancer compared to non-smokers.
(to develop, that they develop, developing)

Here ...
(the postman comes, comes she, comes the bus)

It ... have been Carla you saw this morning. She is away on holiday.
(mustn’t, can’t, needn’t)

... as compensation.
($500 was paid the customer, The customer was paid for $500, The customer was paid $500)

The student apologised... the professor ... being late.
(to/for, to/of, for/of)

We haven't heard from him for ten years. He ...
(had to die, should have died, might have died)

... this morning.
(My hair had cut, I had cut my hair, I had my hair cut)

By next week, they ... painting the rooms.
(have finished, will finish, will have finished)

It's high time I ... a new pair of jeans.
(buy, bought, had bought)

I took the phone back to the shop, but they ... me a replacement.
(wouldn’t give, shouldn’t give, can’t have given)

Mike insisted ... his new muffin recipe.
(trying, on that I try, that I should try)

Mr Jones ... at the meeting, but he had to cancel because of his illness.
(was speaking, was to speak, was to have spoken)

Knowing a little Russian, I had no difficulty ... myself understood.
(to make, making, about making)

If you ... smarter, you ... money in the first place.
(were/wouldn’t have borrowed, were/didn’t borrow, are/wouldn’t borrow)

Not only ... the speed limit, but he had also consumed alcohol.
(he exceeded, did he exceed, he did exceed)

It's been snowing for days. If only it …
(would stop, will stop, stops)
You ... that again.
(not do, are not do, are not to do)
Where would you rather ...
(I’ll sleep? I’d sleep? I slept?)

1. I come from England.
2. There aren't many people here.
3. Tim isn't going to work tomorrow.
4. I'd like some information, please.
5. Did you walk to school yesterday?
6. I went to the shop to buy some chocolate.
7. 'I don't like coffee.' ' Neither do I.'
8. 'Have you visited London?' ' Not yet .'
9. Is Jo as tall as Chris?
10. You should do your homework.
11. 'Where's the nearest post office, please?'
12. Would you mind closing the window?
13. He's interested in learning Spanish.
14. How long have you been learning English?
15. His office is on the second floor of the building.
16. The doctor gave me a prescription for some medicine yesterday.
17. Can you tell me when the train leaves ?
18. I expect a reply to my letter in the next few days.
19. When Simon comes back tonight, he'll cook dinner.
20. We arrived in England two days ago.
21. 'Why are you so hungry?' 'Oh, I didn't have breakfast this morning.'
22. You had better see a doctor.
23. You should take up swimming.
24. 'Did you speak to Juliet?' 'No, I've hardly seen her.
25. He told me that he had been working in Spain the previous year.
26. She looks as if she's going to be sick.
27. The best way to learn a language is by speaking a little every day.
28. She told me to go to school.
29. I want to be a teacher when I grow up .
30. I'm fed up with doing this exercise.
31. It is ages since I saw my brother.
32. She has been accused of murdering her husband.
33. You aren't allowed to use your mobile so there's no point in leaving it on .
34. You needn't have done the cleaning. I would have done it tonight.
35. They have put speed bumps on the road to prevent accidents.
36. We would never have had the accident if you hadn't been driving so fast.
37. The tree was struck by lightning.
38. If only I were richer.
39. Despite being the better team, we lost the match.
40. By this time next year, I will have taken all my exams.

