


2014-01-12 | 日本 近畿地方

we went to Awaji lsland with my dog hana.

First time we went to “Awaji lsland countory garden”

It has delicious soft serce icecream.

but now ,It does not have the soft serve ice cream.

becoace,it is winter season.It is very cold.

last autumn we went Awajilsland.we want eat this.but l can not eat.

next time we want this very much.but we can not complete.

we hope we want eat this next time.

we went to `Awaji hanasajiki.

This place have many kind of beautiful flower.

But now It is winter season.

There were little flower in this place.

Different season This place have many kind of flower.

I want to go  to it different season.

Hirano blead shop.

We love Hirano blead shop.

this Blead is beautiful and dericious.


This is Pig.

The pig was sleeping with big snore.

Hana was suprised to here the snore.

We were staying the lodge.

It is very cleanm and cozy.

There have qute Furniture and  Home electronics.

I love this lodge.

There is a dogrun in front of the lodge.

And There is also dogrun in back of the lode.

We were walking around.

And take bath.

Dinner was nice.

I ate everything.

11th anniversary Hiranobread.